Myo armband, North Inc., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Myo & Oculus Rift - Hands on with Myo

Published on Mar 14, 2014

Take a look at our first ever in-house demonstration of the Myo armband with the Oculus Rift. Learn about our journey in bringing this demo to life with a few "magical moments" along the way.

The Myo armband is a new device that turns your forearm into a controller, detecting muscle activity to control digital technologies over Bluetooth. It communicates with paired devices so that you can control presentations, video, games, and so much more!

Thalmic Myo First Hands-On And Demo

Published on Jul 24, 2014

The first hands-on with the Thalmic Myo for press, with an interview with Thalmic CEO and co-founder Stephen Lake about building hardware and refining the Myo.

Myo + Smartglasses - Give your mobile workers super powers

Published on Aug 19, 2014

Thalmic Labs is proud to introduce Myo + Smartglasses, the complete solution for your mobile workforce to stay connected on the job. The Myo armband eliminates the need for remote controls, touch pads, buttons, and voice control for workers in sterile or noisy work environments. This enables workers to stay hands free and heads up in the most demanding environments.

Myo + Augmedix - Redefining patient-physician interactions

Published on Aug 19, 2014

Augmedix uses Google Glass to free physicians from documentation so they can focus on patients. Integration with the Myo armband means physicians can find and move through patient information with the simple swipe of a hand. The gesture control extends beyond voice and touch commands to provide physicians with seamless access to data input and retrieval.

Myo + Recon Instruments - Keeping deskless workers heads-up and hands-free

Published on Aug 19, 2014

Recon, a leader in smartglass technology for sports and high intensity environments integrates a Heads-up Display (HUD) with a state-of-the-art micro-computer and sensor suite to provide performance information, navigation, and more, direct-to-eye. Recon’s HUDs run an operating system with an open web API and HUD SDK, enabling developers to create apps for a broad range of use cases. Integrating Jet with the Myo armband, the interaction experience is advanced, enhancing the user’s level of focus on activity and optimizing seamless user interaction with the HUD.

Myo + Bridgit - Transforming the way construction managers work on-site

Published on Aug 19, 2014

Closeout by Bridgit is a deficiency management software suite aiming to respond to issues of miscommunications on construction sites. Closeout enables construction deficiencies to be tracked and communicated in real-time. Using Google Glass and the Myo armband, project managers on construction sites will be able to instantly record deficiencies and assign them to the relevant sub-contractor during walk-through inspections.

Myo + APX Labs - Bringing wearable computing power into the field

Published on Aug 19, 2014

APX Labs builds software for smartglasses, like Epson Moverio and Google Glass, which improve field work, such as at wind mills, oil refineries or hydro plants. Field service workers can access data, troubleshoot issues, and receive detailed feedback right in front of their eyes to quickly move through the data using the Myo armband.

Myo - Real Life Applications of the Myo Armband

Published on Aug 19, 2015

Take control of video and music playback, fly drones, deliver presentations, play games, and much more. Myo is a gesture control armband that works out of the box with things you already have like your Mac, Windows PC, iOS, and Android devices.

Myo + EZ-Robot

Published on Nov 3, 2015

Bring your robot companion to life with gestures and motion. The Myo armband lets you wirelessly control technology, like your EZ-Robot, touch-free.

Myo robot control – intuitive manipulation with a 6 DOF robotic arm and anthropomorphic hand

Published on Oct 28, 2016

ROS enabled human-robot cooperation for fast and easy object manipulation
6DoF Schunk PowerBall LWP4 robotic arm and SVH anthropomorphic hand are controlled over Bluetooth using the Myo armband. Both position and orientation of the Myo sensor are used to move the arm and place the hand close to the object of interest. Myo's EMG sensors detect muscle activity of the user's grasp, release gestures and trigger grasp motion of the robotic hand. Collisions with the table are avoided by using dynamic kinematic restrictions, so that the hand always stays over the table surface. The system can quickly adapt to work with any user in under one second thanks to the very fast calibration of the Myo armband.