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No job is safe from technology, with Andrew McAfee

Published on Feb 5, 2015

Automation is a major threat to the median American worker who specializes in what is called "routine knowledge work." Andrew McAfee of the MIT Sloan School of Management explains that this is the sweet spot where technology is making its greatest inroads. Jobs like tax preparation, which often requires a mastery of formulas and policy, are becoming easier and easier to automate. At the same time, there are quite a few high-skill professions that are also feeling this sort of pressure. Computer programs can more accurately discover a smoking gun hidden within hundreds of pages of court documents.

Will Robots Take Our Jobs?

Published on May 13, 2015

Thanks to automation and robotics technology, we’ve already replaced a great deal of human labor with faster and cheaper alternatives. And the trend is only accelerating. So is YOUR job at risk? An increase in robotics could mean the creation of new jobs, but will it be enough to outweigh those we eliminate?

Will your job get outsourced to a robot?

Published on May 20, 2015

It's not just basic tasks anymore: Computers can now do work once deemed possible only by humans. And in some cases, the computers are doing it better. In an economy driven increasingly by intelligent automation, which jobs will survive? Hari Sreenivasan reports.

Martin Ford on Singularity 1on1: Technological Unemployment is an Issue We Need To Discus

Published on Jun 13, 2015


Technological unemployment is an issue that I have mentioned a few times during my past interviews. In fact, I would go as far as saying that it is at the bottom of the top 5 biggest problems humanity faces today. So while it may not be the very biggest issue we face right now, it definitely is a huge challenge that, if not resolved, has the potential to impact negatively on a variety of other ones – from global warming to economic growth and social stability. And so today’s interview is devoted exclusively on technological unemployment and I am very happy to discuss it with Martin Ford, who has written two best-selling books on the topic: Lights in the Tunnel and Rise of the Robots.

During our 70 min conversation with Martin Ford we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: Martin’s background as a small software entrepreneur in Silicon Valley; his interest in technological unemployment and whether it is ok that Robot’s Will Steal Your Job; why this time automation is fundamentally different from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution; whether education and hard work are enough for success; the dangers and possible implications of high technological unemployment; the proposal for Guaranteed Minimum Income; the incentives to work, capitalism and the need for systemic change…
Article "Global economic turmoil to dominate Davos discussions"
Business leaders and policymakers at the World Economic Forum will focus on Chinese downturn, a commodities rout and stock market turmoil

by Katie Allen
January 17, 2016

Article "Women to lose out in technology revolution as robotics threatens jobs, warns WEF"
Survey on future of working life predicts white collar and administrative roles to see the greatest job losses

by Jill Treanor
January 18, 2016

Article "Robots, new working ways to cost five million jobs by 2020, Davos study says"

by Ben Hirschler
January 18, 2016