Humane Ai Pin, clothing-based wearable device, Humane Inc., San Francisco, California, USA

Ai Pin Video Handbook

Mar 29, 2024

Everything you need to know about Ai Pin: how it works, what it can do, what you can do with it, Laser Ink, how to charge, accessories, Humane.Center, and more.

00:00 Intro
00:40 Ai Pin hardware overview
02:22 Wearing Ai Pin
03:31 Ai Mic
06:38 Laser Ink
10:04 Music
12:00 Photos
12:43 Videos
13:47 Notes
14:38 Phone
16:18 Messages
19:10 Interpreter
20:34 Settings
23:38 Accessories
25:38 Humane .Center
28:08 Outro

Made by the Humane team; for our customers, with love.