
Maker Faire Rome 2014 - Interview 01

Published on Dec 22, 2014

Interview with Stefano Ceroni - Brain-controlled bionic hand

From the 3rd to the 5th of October 2014 all the Arduino crew was in Rome for the European Maker Faire hosting more than 500 makers from all over the world!
In those days we created a series of short videos showcasing the use of Arduino in projects hosted during the Faire.

Hands-On with the Arduino Robot at Maker Faire 2013

Published on May 30, 2013

Arduino debuted a new programmable robotics platform at this year's Maker Faire, designed to be enhanced with sensors and easily programmable with sample code. We chat with Arduino co-founder David Cuartielles about how the Arduino robot is a good entry to robotics and why it's unlike the Arduino microcontrollers you may be familiar with.

Arduino Robot - Teaser

Published on Sep 19, 2013

The Arduino Robot is the first official Arduino on wheels. The robot has two processors, one on each of its two boards. The Motor Board controls the motors, and the Control Board reads sensors and decides how to operate. Each of the boards is a full Arduino board programmable using the Arduino IDE.

Arduino Powered Tea Maker Prototype V1

Published on Oct 11, 2013

This is the first prototype in my tea maker robot. The idea is that if you leave a tea bag in the cup too long the tea will become bitter. With my busy schedule I often forget that I was making a tea and so 1/3 of them become too bitter to drink. With this Arduino powered robot I will never have this happen again!

Published on Jan 6, 2014

The #BajakJKT MakerLab is a two day creative challenge developed by Bartle Bogle Hegarty's MakerLab in partnership with Arduino Verkstad - for urban planners, athletes & engineers/developers to come together to develop solutions to lower or remove barriers to movement in Jakarta (e.g. badly lit streets that make running dangerous, the macet of the city making running unpleasant, etc).
The output from the 3 day MakerLab will be a series of prototypes. One of these prototypes will be selected by a panel of judges comprising people from BBH and Arduino Verkstad, including legendary Arduino co-founder David Cuartielles.

Streamed live on Feb 8, 2014

Go from blinking an LED to virtual prototyping in seven hours and still have time to eat lunch! This class is for anyone who has never played around with Arduino before and those who have played around a little bit but aren't entirely sure what it's all about. It's easier than you think! We'll put together basic single component electrical circuits that will teach you about analog and digital, input and output, and basic programming concepts such as "if" statements. We'll also practice basic serial communication, and briefly cover basic virtual prototyping using Fritzing. In case you haven't noticed, the key word here is basic. Depending on class interest, Arduino-related educational techniques may be discussed as well.

Uploaded on Feb 9, 2011

I'm building this for fun I guess its kind of my hobby, hopefully when I get more completed I can go through and document everything, right now I'm still in the building stages. I've built everything myself so there *might* be a few problems with it, but I've learned an incredible amount while building it.

P.S. I am aware that I said whatever 3 times within the first 30 seconds.

An introduction to coding with an Arduino | Do Try This At Home | At-Bristol Science Centre

Published on Apr 29, 2016

What is code? What is an 'Arduino'? This introduction to coding will help you take your first steps in tinkering with hobby electronics at home as Heather and Beth investigate the applications of coding a Mars rover.

Quick start with Arduino - for beginners

Published on Aug 17, 2016

This video is absolutely for beginners to start projects with Arduino board. I will be uploading some Arduino project, for which this video will be useful. Arduino will be used as brain of the robots.

Arduino Gesture Controlled Ambient Lamp made with 3D Gesture Sensor (SEN0202)

Published on Jun 28, 2017

Turn ON/OFF, change ambient colors without touching the lamp. Made with Arduino, 3D Gesture Sensor and 3D Printed body.