GITS, hexapod tank, Vilnius, Lithuania

GITS robot (R3000 hexapod) - weapon control

Published on Jan 22, 2015

A little preview of weapon/arms control on my hexapod. The robot is based on R3000/T08A2 spider tank from Ghost In The Shell movie.

Arms are built using 3 SG90 micro servos, plus one laser.

GITS hexapod tank (T08A2)

Published on May 25, 2016

A final video of my my hexapod. The robot is based on T08A2/R3000 spider tank from Ghost In The Shell movie.


* 2x Raspberry Pi mirco computers (1st for motion control, 2nd for face tracking)
* 28x Servos (18 for legs, 4 for body, 6 for weapons)
* 1x Camera (for face tracking)
* 3x Servo drivers
* 2x Lasers (how can you have a robot wittout lazors??!!! :))
* 1x Distance sensor
* 1x PS3 controller (or XBox controller when developing on Windows)


* Custom engine with special gait algorithm, animation playback, IK, face tracking, etc.
* Unity pipeline for converting animations and skeleton from 3D animation software into custom format.

~250 hours of 3D printing using XYZPrinting DaVinci 1.0 printer.

Ghost In The Shell tank controls (T08A2)

Published on May 30, 2016

Work-in-progress video of controls of my hexapod. The robot is based on T08A2/R3000 spider tank from Ghost In The Shell movie.