Aurora Dreamband, sleep-sensing headband designed to influence dream, iWinks LLC, San Diego, California, USA

The Aurora Dream Enhancing Headband (Official Kickstarter video)

Published on Dec 14, 2013

Have you ever fallen asleep during a movie and dreamed that you were a part of the story? Have you ever realized that you were dreaming? The Aurora dream-enhancing headband plays special lights and sounds during REM to help you become aware that you are dreaming while you stay asleep - you can then take control of your dreams. When you're an active participant in your dreamland, anything becomes possible: zoom through space, fight fire-breathing dragons or become president, all from the comfort and safety of your own bed.

Make It Wearable | Manipulate Your Dreams

Published on Jun 26, 2014

What if you could control your dreams? In Episode 5 of The Concepts, we look at iWinks' Aurora headband, which can enhance lucid dreaming (dream awareness) by playing a pattern of lights and sounds during REM sleep. This wearable technology may allow us to better understand our sleep patterns and dreams, while providing whimsical, personal dream experiences.