Jonathan Tippett

PechaKucha - Volume 30, Jonathan Tippett
November 29, 2013

Our next speaker is both Artist and Engineer. With a past in the fields of marine hydraulics, fuel cells and neurovascular implants and a present still working part time as a biomedical engineer with several patents to his name and human implants under his belt, his creative pursuits have taken him well beyond the microscopic world of brain implants.

He has co-hosted a Discovery Channel series called Breaking Point, co-owned a pottery studio and was one of the founders of the eatART Foundation, a unique, educational art research laboratory.

His personal artwork explores the relationship between humans, machines, energy, power and physical skill at an extreme scale. His first large scale piece was the Mondo Spider, created with a group of friends in 2006. His current project is 2 story tall, human controlled mech suit called Prosthesis: The Anti-Robot.