BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 motorcycle, BMW Motorrad, Berlin, Germany

BMW self driving motorbike rewiew BMW Vision 100 BMW self balancing motorcycle review

Published on Jan 10, 2017

BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100: What kind of world will be home to the BMW Vision 100 motorcycle of the future?
“Normally, when we develop a motorcycle, we tend to think 5 to 10 years in advance. On this occasion, we looked much further ahead and found the experience especially exciting. There are some very attractive prospects. I firmly believe the BMW Vision 100 Motorbike sets out a coherent future scenario for the BMW Motorrad brand”, explains Edgar Heinrich.
When designing the BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100, the team was thinking decades in advance. In tomorrow’s world, connectivity and digitalisation will be all-encompassing. Most vehicles will be driverless, and life will be organised largely by digital services. More and more of the world’s population will be living in urban areas.
Digital technologies for an analogue experience.
Building on the benefits of the digital world, the BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle VISION NEXT 100 takes the analogue riding experience to a completely new level. The BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle unique sensation of freedom is made possible by intelligent connectivity between rider, bike and the outside world – a combination that also allows the prediction of critical situations on the roads. In conjunction with the active assistance systems, these connected elements help keep riders of the BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 in complete control of their ride. As well as anticipating what lies ahead and alerting the user when action is needed, they offer active rider protection and will consign the helmets and body protectors of today to the history books.
“Self-balancing” – active, intelligent assistant systems.
In certain situations, the active assistance systems of the future will also enhance stability and safety by automatically balancing the motorcycle, both out on the road and when stationary. Novice riders will benefit from additional guidance in all riding situations and from a bike that will never tip over.
The BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle VISION NEXT 100 rights itself while even stationary, remaining upright when the rider has dismounted. The BMW Self Driving Motorbike balancing systems also work out on the road to ensure a particularly agile and dynamic riding experience with even lighter handling, which seasoned riders will appreciate, and all the benefits of assistance systems to enhance their capabilities even further.
The BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 helps every biker become more proficient and enjoy an even more positive riding experience. Every trip becomes a journey of freedom, from beginning to end.
The “Digital Companion” – connected. Ubiquitous. Discreet.
When combined, the BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 bike and the special rider’s gear that has been designed to accompany it form a single functional unit: a Digital Companion that provides the situational information and active support the rider needs. But because biking is essentially about the experience, the Digital Companion remains in the background: though constantly active, it works away unnoticed until required to issue an alert via the user interface or provide active assistance, for instance. Unless the rider or circumstances require it, the Digital Companion remains silent.

BMW self balancing motorbike demonstration live driving BMW Vision 100 BMW autonomous bike

Published on Jan 10, 2017

“Self-balancing” – active, intelligent assistant systems.
In certain situations, the active assistance systems of the future will also enhance stability and safety by automatically balancing the motorcycle, both out on the road and when stationary. Novice riders will benefit from additional guidance in all riding situations and from a bike that will never tip over.
The BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle VISION NEXT 100 rights itself while even stationary, remaining upright when the rider has dismounted. The BMW Self Driving Motorbike balancing systems also work out on the road to ensure a particularly agile and dynamic riding experience with even lighter handling, which seasoned riders will appreciate, and all the benefits of assistance systems to enhance their capabilities even further.
Smart. Active. Flexible – rider’s equipment.
The rider’s gear accompanying the BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 is integral to the unique overall experience. In classic black and white, the airy suit enhances the sense of freedom and is both fashion statement and weather-wear. Depending on conditions, it warms or cools the user. While the diagonal zipper across the chest is reminiscent of traditional motorcycle clothing, the flexible, banded structure of the suit and shoes is inspired by the muscle areas of the human body and provides body support and relief whenever needed.
At higher speeds, the neck section inflates to provide extra support for the upper vertebrae and improve overall comfort. Variable openings offer additional ventilation. Unlike present-day suits, however, the futuristic outfit for riders of the
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 offers no safety features, because the bike’s intelligent assistance systems make them superfluous. Instead, sensors in the suit keep track of the wearer’s pulse rate and body temperature and provide the right level of heat or cold. The suit also delivers navigation instructions via the vibrating elements in the arms and legs, and alerts the rider when the banking angle is becoming critical. Rider and machine form a single functional unit to offer a more intense riding experience than ever before. Edgar Heinrich sums up: “The
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 unites the best of both worlds – digital and analogue – for the ultimate emotional experience: The Great Escape.”
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100: What kind of world will be home to the BMW Vision 100 motorcycle of the future?
When designing the BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100, the team was thinking decades in advance. In tomorrow’s world, connectivity and digitalisation will be all-encompassing. Most vehicles will be driverless, and life will be organised largely by digital services. More and more of the world’s population will be living in urban areas.
Digital technologies for an analogue experience.
Building on the benefits of the digital world, the BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle VISION NEXT 100 takes the analogue riding experience to a completely new level. The BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle unique sensation of freedom is made possible by intelligent connectivity between rider, bike and the outside world – a combination that also allows the prediction of critical situations on the roads. In conjunction with the active assistance systems, these connected elements help keep riders of the BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 in complete control of their ride. As well as anticipating what lies ahead and alerting the user when action is needed, they offer active rider protection and will consign the helmets and body protectors of today to the history books.
“Self-balancing” – active, intelligent assistant systems.
In certain situations, the active assistance systems of the future will also enhance stability and safety by automatically balancing the motorcycle, both out on the road and when stationary. Novice riders will benefit from additional guidance in all riding situations and from a bike that will never tip over.
The BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle VISION NEXT 100 rights itself while even stationary, remaining upright when the rider has dismounted. The BMW Self Driving Motorbike balancing systems also work out on the road to ensure a particularly agile and dynamic riding experience with even lighter handling, which seasoned riders will appreciate, and all the benefits of assistance systems to enhance their capabilities even further.

BMW self driving motorbike world premiere BMW Vision 100 Motorbike review BMW autonomous

Published on Jan 10, 2017

BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100: What kind of world will be home to the BMW Vision 100 motorcycle of the future?
“Normally, when we develop a motorcycle, we tend to think 5 to 10 years in advance. On this occasion, we looked much further ahead and found the experience especially exciting. There are some very attractive prospects. I firmly believe the BMW Vision 100 Motorbike sets out a coherent future scenario for the BMW Motorrad brand”, explains Edgar Heinrich.
When designing the BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100, the team was thinking decades in advance. In tomorrow’s world, connectivity and digitalisation will be all-encompassing. Most vehicles will be driverless, and life will be organised largely by digital services. More and more of the world’s population will be living in urban areas.
Digital technologies for an analogue experience.
Building on the benefits of the digital world, the BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle VISION NEXT 100 takes the analogue riding experience to a completely new level. The BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle unique sensation of freedom is made possible by intelligent connectivity between rider, bike and the outside world – a combination that also allows the prediction of critical situations on the roads. In conjunction with the active assistance systems, these connected elements help keep riders of the BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 in complete control of their ride. As well as anticipating what lies ahead and alerting the user when action is needed, they offer active rider protection and will consign the helmets and body protectors of today to the history books.
“Self-balancing” – active, intelligent assistant systems.
In certain situations, the active assistance systems of the future will also enhance stability and safety by automatically balancing the motorcycle, both out on the road and when stationary. Novice riders will benefit from additional guidance in all riding situations and from a bike that will never tip over.
The BMW Self Balancing Motorcycle VISION NEXT 100 rights itself while even stationary, remaining upright when the rider has dismounted. The BMW Self Driving Motorbike balancing systems also work out on the road to ensure a particularly agile and dynamic riding experience with even lighter handling, which seasoned riders will appreciate, and all the benefits of assistance systems to enhance their capabilities even further.
The visor – the right information at the right time.
Information exchanges between rider and bike take place largely via the visor. This essentially consists of a pair of data glasses that extends across the wearer’s entire field of vision. As well as providing wind protection, it shows relevant data in one of four designated display areas. These are controlled by the rider’s eye movements: looking up or down changes the content that appears, and looking straight ahead switches the information off completely, leaving the rider to focus even more fully on biking experience. Information is only projected onto the visor on request, or to alert the rider to the fact that action is needed.
“The bike has the full range of connected data from its surroundings and a set of intelligent systems working in the background, so it knows exactly what lies ahead. By collating the data it has gathered, it can suggest ideal lines and banking angles, or warn riders of hazards ahead,” Hampf continues. When suggesting lines and angles, the Digital Companion appears in the lower third of the field of view, represented by an upturned triangle from which two horizontal lines extend outwards. Like the display in an aeroplane cockpit, this symbol indicates the current banking angle and ideal lines. If the bike’s current position does not match what is suggested, the rider can correct it as necessary. If he or she responds too late or not at all, the bike will correct itself. The Digital Companion’s advice not only helps novices to learn more about what they and their bikes can do. It also supports experienced riders by allowing them to challenge themselves and continuously improve their skills.
Looking upwards activates the rear-view function in the visor, allowing the rider to see what is going on on the road behind. Lowering the eyes to normal levels opens a menu from which the rider can select an option by pointing a finger. Looking further down opens the map view showing the rider’s chosen route.

BMW motorrad, self-riding R1200GS motorcycle

Published on Sep 11, 2018

Curious about visionary ideas for the future of motorcycling?

Consider the development of a furthered corresponding control system, where prototypes like these are really helpful. The responsibility in riding still belongs to you, but innovations like these could lead to an even more outstanding riding experience.

And isn't it fun to watch?

A closer look at BMW's self driving bike

Published on Sep 15, 2018

With a death rate 28 times higher than that of a car there is a lot of safety features that will end up in motorcycles as they develop driver assist features.

What is actively being calculated in the video is the bike stabilization. The turning and stabilizing of the bike is an excited feature that could be added to a bike used to teach people to ride.

They are hoping to also provide guidance for object avoidance, they can start to figure out what’s the best angle or way to stay safe in certain situations. The end goal is not to sell self driving bikes but to create assistance systems that can help reduce the risk.

It’s impressive, we won’t take away anything from the demo, but we’re not actually seeing a self driving bike, we are seeing a bike follow a GPS track it doesn’t have any environment sensors. In addition to telling the bike where the track is, they had to set track perameters, for example it’s width and composition before it heads out to drive itself around the track.

BMW's amazing self-driving motorcycle

Published on Sep 21, 2018

This week, Elon Musk and the state of California revealed some galactic ambitions. SpaceX announced its intention to send Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa into space as the first lunar tourist. Meanwhile, California wants to do something about global warming whether the White House helps or not...even if it means launching its own satellite. Finally, BMW has a self-driving motorcycle that underscores just how weird it is to see a bike moving around without a human.