Book "The Industries of the Future", Alec Ross, 2016

Alec Ross, frm Sen. Advisor Innovation for SecState Hillary Clinton on “Industries of the Future”

Published on Feb 16, 2016

In episode 622 of This Week in Startups, Jason sits down with Alec Ross, author of The Industries of the Future to discuss technology, employment, and the future of the United States economy (as well as the world). Their conversation ranges from Alec’s experiences working as Senior Advisor for Innovation for Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State to how unemployment rates in the U.S. differ from elsewhere, from robots and technology replacing (some) jobs in the future to Alec’s three greatest global fears — and much more. Check out some of the main talking points below to spark your curiosity for the full episode.


0:45 – 7:04: Jason introduces Alec, and they discuss his time working for Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State, and why you shouldn’t go home before your boss.

7:05 – 9:03: Alec and Jason discuss the email scandal around Hillary Clinton, and their thoughts on the issue, as well as Alec’s work during the Benghazi attack.

9:09 – 11:14: Jason and Alec discuss the future of the publishing industry and the power of Audible.

16:35 – 17:48: Alec gives opinions on the current state of the election campaigns, and which parties are at play.

17:49 – 19:51: Jason prompts Alec to discuss the economy, unemployment, and how those relate to tech development and jobs

19:51 – 22:43: Alec explores the future of robotics in replacing jobs, and what areas we can expect to see this happen in.

22:43 – 27:45: Jason asks Alec about the polarization of wealth, and whether he thinks it is a problem.

27:45 – 29:27: Alec expands upon the way that the polarization of wealth is solving global problems such as the AIDS epidemic.

29:28 – 32:30: Jason and Alec discuss how extremely wealthy individuals and philanthropy affect public policy, using Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as examples.

32:30 – 35:50: Alec and Jason turn the conversation toward immigration, innovation, and how the US needs the former to stay on top of the latter. They also discuss how most of the issues we face related to these issues boil down to racism.

35:51 – 38:55: Jason and Alec discuss Donald Trump, his narcissistic tendencies, and his election chances.

38:55 – 44:23: Alec shares his fears about the economy and industries of the future and how some technologies are enabling these.

44:23 – 48:34: Jason and Alec discuss how ISIS uses social media and psychology to recruit and empower their movement, and what the U.S. can do in response.

48:34 – 51:33: The conversation turns to oil and energy; Alec and Jason discuss how prices have gotten so low, and the impact on the global/U.S. economy.

51:33 – 53:14: Jason asks Alec about Vladimir Putin and his role in oil/resource management in Russia.

53:15 – 55:29: Jason asks Alec what he thinks will be the biggest industry to change the future. His answer? The commercialization of genomics.