Breakthrough Starshot, fleet of light sail insterstellar spacecraft, named StarChip

LIVE: Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner to announce space exploration initiative “Starshot”

Streamed live on Apr 12, 2016

Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and world renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking are expected to announce a new space exploration initiative dubbed “Starshot” during an event at the One World Observatory in New York City Tuesday, April 12.

Will Starshot's insterstellar journey succeed?

Published on May 4, 2016

Yuri Milner’s Breakthrough Starshot is an interstellar travel expedition unlike any other before it. It’s many years in the making and is contingent on a series of incredible advancements in nanotechnology, materials science and laser power. Despite these hurdles, the project has been backed by some of the greatest minds in science today, including Stephen Hawking, legendary engineer Freeman Dyson, UK Astronomer Royal Martin Rees and dark energy Nobel Laureate Saul Perlmutter. Just how likely is it that Starshot’s journey to Alpha Centauri will succeed?

Breakthrough Starshot animation

Published on May 24, 2016

Breakthrough Starshot is a $100 million research and development program, aiming to establish proof of concept for a ‘nanocraft’ – a fully functional space probe at gram-scale weight – driven by a light beam. A spacecraft like this, equipped with a lightsail, has the potential to reach twenty percent of the speed of light – or 100 million miles an hour. At that speed, it could reach Alpha Centauri, our nearest star system, in around 20 years. Using the fastest conventional rocket propulsion system available, the same journey would take tens of thousands of years.

This new scientific initiative is committed to international collaboration, open access and open data. It aims to represent all of humanity as one world, stepping out into the galaxy within a generation.

On the fifty-fifth anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s great leap into space, April 12, 2016, Yuri Milner was joined by Stephen Hawking at New York’s One World Observatory to announce Breakthrough Starshot, which will lay the foundations for humanity’s next great leap: to the stars. It was also announced that Mark Zuckerberg joined the board of the initiative.

Tiny robots in space | Yuri Milner, investor | Code Conference 2016

Published on Jun 14, 2016

Venture capitalist Yuri Milner projects what it will take for humans to expand their understanding of space. A tiny device called a StarChip, weighing less than one gram, can be paired with a LightSail to make an unmanned "nanocraft," which can go much deeper into space than humans on a chemically fueled ship. Milner says nanocrafts face several challenges today, but should be feasible within 25-30 years