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Diddyborg Raspberry Pi Snow Plough Robot

Published on Feb 3, 2015

This is our DiddyBorg Raspberry Pi based rover robot, with a quick snow plough hack made from some corrugated plastic we had lying around.
It could really do with some snow tyres!

Next step will be to put the Raspberry Pi 2 on the robot and get some fast autonomous videos with it :)

Star Wars snowblower (because The Force didn't work)

Published on Jan 21, 2016

Ian Fisher of Brampton, Ontario, Canada shot this video saying:

'Built the Millennium Falcon drone from scratch and decided I could use it to clear the snow from my walkway. I tried previously to use The Force but this method is a lot easier.'

Arduino Robot crash test snow blade

Published on Dec 2, 2016

Robot Arduino snow plow

Published on Dec 17, 2016