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Balance robot
August 25, 2013

This balance robot that i've built uses two stepping motors as drive system. the main control algorithm is some sort of full-state feedback which was tuned experimentally ( deriving mathematical model for a balance robot that uses stepping motors is not straight forward...)
It cane move over slopes and carry unbalanced loads (center of mass dislocation)
The IMU's functionality is based on MPU6050 and a simple version of Kalman filter (executable on an ordinary microcontroller)

Makeblock Two-Wheel Self Balance Vehicle Can Deliver the Coffee

Published on Aug 21, 2014

Can you imagine in the future the robot can do house work, for example to deliver a cup of coffee? Makeblock engineer Zhenzhou designed the two-wheel self balance vehicle for sending the coffee.

SparkFun LIVE: Balancing Act

Streamed live on Aug 26, 2014

For the very last SparkFun LIVE broadcast from our old building, we're going to explore balancing robots. Our own Dave Stillman will show us some balancing robots he's built, and we'll tear down some new balancing robot toys that are ripe for the hacking. And because we're live (and in the process of moving), expect the unexpected!

You can find the wishlist of parts here: https://www.sparkfun.com/wish_lists/92816, but please note that this is an experimental project intended to be a starting point, not a final working product.

Tune in Tuesday August 26th at 3PM Mountain Time. The program will also be recorded for viewing afterward.

Balancing on one foot

Published on Jul 1, 2014

Watch Emmy stand on one foot while controlling the position of the center of mass relative to the support foot.

The entire robot's movement is dynamically calculated with a damped least squares approach using jacobian matrixes

How to build a compliant humanoid robot - Self stabilising balance

Published on Sep 8, 2014

The balancing algorithm shown is so far only able to control the motors in the ankles, thus balance can only be recovered from a very minor perturbation.

On the right hand side of the TV screen you can see the Centre of Pressure (COP) which is calculated from six ground reaction force sensors and displayed as a normalised red dot. Each line on the grid corresponds to 10%. The robot tries to keep the COP at the point 25% back from the geometric centre of the area of ground contact. This corresponds to a relaxed pose with the weight of the body almost directly over the ankles.

B-ROBOT fully 3D printed self balancing robot by JJROBOTS

Published on Oct 28, 2013

This project is now hosted on https://www.jjrobots.com/b-robot
JJROBOTS is our new website for this and other interesting robotic projects! Blog, shop, documentation, build instructions, code, "how it work", forums...

This is my first fully 3D printed robot. Self balancing robot with Arduino + Wifi. Control by smartphones/tablets.

How do robots balance? | At-Bristol Science Centre

Published on Dec 6, 2014

Last year, we explored the science of humans balancing on ice. This year, Nerys and Ross get their skates back on and take to the ice once more to investigate how robots can balance; using tools such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, gimbals, and adaptive control systems.

First tests of my new balancing robot

Published on Nov 9, 2015

This video shows my latest balancing robot. It uses stepper motors, the balancing is done using a PID regulator, the setpoint angle is adjusted proportionally to the speed of the motors to keep the robot from drifting away. Currently the robot can only stand still, but this will be a platform for more experiments in the future.

Balancing robot update

Published on Nov 21, 2015

This is an update on my balancing robot project. Balancing is done by an Arduino. It uses a Kalman filter for sensor data fusion. The speed of the motors is now controlled using two cascaded PID regulators. One regulator adjusts the speed of the motors to maintain a setpoint angle. The other PID regulator adjusts this setpoint angle according to a setpoint speed.This new control system allows the robot to return to its original position when disturbed. The robot can also find a new angle for balancing if the center of gravity is moved, or the robot is standing on an inclined plane.

The robot also has a Raspberry Pi and a camera. In the video I use the Raspberry Pi for a very basic form of remote control. Later the Raspberry Pi will be used for more advanced stuff.

Balancing robot simple autonomous behavior

Published on Dec 9, 2015

This video demonstrates how my Arduino based balancing robot can enter balancing mode by itself. The video also shows the robot doing basic obstacle avoidance using its tree ultrasonic rangefinders. The obstacle avoidance if currently done by one of the Arduinos, but this a typical high level function that will later be handled by the Raspberry Pi.

Inside an Autonomous Self Balancing Robot #1 (Tutorial)

Published on Dec 17, 2015

In this first episode I show how I build my self balancing robot based on an Arduino pro mini compatible MultiWii board. It consists of 3D printed parts and uses stepper motors. In the next episodes I will continue and extend it with a remote control based on NRF24L01 chips and ultrasonic sensors to enable autonomous driving.

Balancing robot IR sensor update 4K

Published on Jan 26, 2016

This video shows some new IR distance sensors I have installed on the robot. The IR sensors are short range (5-10 cm) and should prevent the robot from running into things that the main ultrasonic sensors miss. The video also shows two servos I have installed under the robot. They are not connected yet, but they will later be used to reliable raise the robot up again if it falls over.
My website: http://www.axelsdiy.brinkeby.se

Balancing robot video 5 - total rebuild

Published on Aug 20, 2016

I have made a total rebuild of my balancing robot. The reason was that I wanted to fit more sensors and functions, and there where no space for that in the previous design. I have also rewritten all the code and replaced the Kalman-filter I previously used for angle estimation with a complimentary filter instead. This in combination with a higher center of mass have made the robot a lot more stable and tolerant against pushes and other disturbances.