
Genevieve Bell - Making Life: the prehistory of robots and why it still matters

Published on Sep 8, 2014

As human beings we have always been fascinated with making life, in its many forms, with all of the technologies of the day at our disposals. Our cultures and our histories are steeped in stories of making life: gods making human beings to do their biddings; gods making themselves into human beings temporarily; ancestral figures transforming themselves into human beings; strange hybrids of gods and human beings with blends of skills and powers. As an anthropologist working at the intersections of new technology development and cultural practices, Dr. Genevieve Bell is an a unique position to explore the relationships between innovation and society. In this talk, she explores a different set of narratives about making life – ones that revolve around technology. Specifically, Bell is interested in how we might locate robots in this larger set of cultural and historical conversations. Here she traces the history of automata, monsters, and mechanical men as precursors to robots. We had already built mechanical objects (and indeed mechanical people), and we had imagined making life. So when the word and idea of robots first appeared in English, it had immediate and global resonance in no small part because it became the place where centuries of literary and technical activities collided. Drawing on cultural, literary, and historical accounts, Bell makes the case that we have an opportunity to re-imagine the ways in which we encounter and make sense of new digital technologies.

I2O Breakout Session 1: AI Ascendant (DARPA "Wait, What?")

Published on Sep 14, 2015

"AI Ascendant: Designing AIs to do the right thing" was a breakout session at DARPA's "Wait, What?" forum. It was hosted by DARPA's Information Innovation Office, and moderated by The New York Times' Steve Lohr. Participants included Trevor Darrell, Tom Dietterich, Yolanda Gil and Hadas Kress-Gazit.

Computer scientist John McCarthy summarized the central conjecture of artificial intelligence (AI) in a proposal for a two-month conference held at Dartmouth College in 1956: "[E]very aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it." Sixty years of research has produced remarkable progress in every aspect of artificial intelligence: speech understanding, language translation, computer vision, machine learning, robotics, text mining, neuromorphic systems and much more. AI technologies pervade web search engines, advertising, recommendation services, social media, fraud detection and drug discovery. AI programs beat the world champions of chess and "Jeopardy!," but more importantly, AI technology is starting to be integrated into our critical infrastructure, our economy and our defense. This panel explored the issues that these changes raise. What new AI capabilities will be required? What safety and cybersecurity challenges must be addressed? What are the potential economic and strategic impacts?

Max Tegmark and David Ferrucci Discuss Artificial Intelligence (Moderated by Eliza Strickland)

Published on Feb 4, 2015

This is the complete panel discussion on artificial intelligence that took place during 4Catalyzer's inaugural speaker series on November 13, 2014 in NYC. The panel was comprised of Max Tegmark (author of "Our Mathematical Universe") and David Ferrucci (Former VP of Watson Technologies at IBM) with the discussion being moderated by Eliza Strickland (IEEE Spectrum associate editor).

Panel: progress in AI: myths, realities, and aspirations

Published on Jun 6, 2016

Moderated by Eric Horvitz, Managing Director, Microsoft Research Panelists: Fei-Fei Li, Associate Professor, Stanford University Michael Littman, Professor of Computer Science, Brown University Josh Tenenbaum, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Oren Etzioni, Chief Executive Officer, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence Christopher Bishop, Distinguished Scientist, Microsoft Research

Live From WEF17: Artificial Intelligence: balancing opportunity and responsibility

Published on Jan 18, 2017

Devin Wenig, CEO of eBay, Dr. David Hanson, CEO of Hanson Robotics, and Paul Daugherty, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer of Accenture, talk with Jessi Hempel of WIRED about how power of Artificial Intelligence.

Live from WEF17: Artificial Intelligence: Balancing opportunity and responsibility

Published on Jan 18, 2017

Devin Wenig, CEO of eBay, Dr. David Hanson, CEO of Hanson Robotics, and Paul Daugherty, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer of Accenture, talk with Jessi Hempel of WIRED about how power of Artificial Intelligence.

Building the robot brain

Published on Jul 22, 2017

Building The Robot Brain with Heather Ames (Neurala), Brian Gerkey (Open Robotics) and Deepu Talla (Nvidia)

TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics is a single-day event designed to facilitate in-depth conversation and networking with the technologists, researchers and students of the robotics community as well as the founders and investors bringing innovation to the masses.

When robots fly with Buddy Michini (Airware), Andreas Raptopoulos (Matternet) and Jan Stumpf (Intel)

Published on Jul 26, 2017

TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics is a single-day event designed to facilitate in-depth conversation and networking with the technologists, researchers and students of the robotics community as well as the founders and investors bringing innovation to the masses.

Robotics startup pitch competition

Published on Jul 27, 2017

Contestants: Claudia Pérez D'Arpino, Tangible Media Group and Franklin Robotics // Judges: Jeremy Conrad (Lemnos Labs), Helen Greiner (CyPhy Works), Daniel Theobald (Vecna Technologies) and Melonee Wise (Fetch Robotics). TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics is a single-day event designed to facilitate in-depth conversation and networking with the technologists, researchers and students of the robotics community as well as the founders and investors bringing innovation to the masses.

Is venture ready for robotics? with Manish Kothari, Josh Wolfe and Helen Zelman

Published on Jul 27, 2017

TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics is a single-day event designed to facilitate in-depth conversation and networking with the technologists, researchers and students of the robotics community as well as the founders and investors bringing innovation to the masses.