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VGo goes veterinary
June 28, 2014

Charlie, the cute canine patient, is at his local animal hospital under anesthesia. Kim, his owner, is miles away at her home. The VGo telepresence robot allows the pair to stay connected, from the operating table through recovery, after being neutered (Charlie, that is; not Kim).

Robotic telepresence has been scientifically proven to increase the quality of human patient care. This groundbreaking video displays the innovative ways in which this technology can be applied to the field of veterinary medicine.

New Bolton Center pioneers revolutionary robotics-controlled equine imaging system

Published on Apr 26, 2016

A partnership between the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and the imaging technology company 4DDI is paving a new way to take medical scans of horses. Penn Vet is working with 4DDI to validate a new imaging system called EQUIMAGINE (TM), which relies on robots that can move around a patient to collect high-resolution medical images.

Unlike traditional CT scanners, which require patients to be prone, the system can perform imaging studies on a standing patient. This means that a horse would not need to be anesthetized during the image collection.

Robot-driven Imaging System Opens New Avenues for Discovery
Article "Artificial intelligence in veterinary medicine"
The future of veterinary medicine is one that embraces a range of emerging technologies, from Virtual and Augmented Reality to Artificial Intelligence.

by Chris Queen
December 28, 2018

AI in veterinary medicine

Sep 5, 2022

As an Assistant Professor of Diagnostic Imaging at the Ontario Veterinary College, one of Ryan Appleby's areas of research interests is around the use of Artificial Intelligence or "AI" in vet med.

From veterinary imaging to triage to diagnosis, the role of AI in the industry continues to advance and is likely to have more of an impact in the years ahead.