Snake Monster hexapod, Biorobotics Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Snake Monster - Initial Locomotion

Published on Dec 21, 2014

Initial demonstrations of autonomous walking of "Snake Monster", a hexapod robot built with modular actuators from the Biorobotics Lab's snake robot project. The series-elastic actuators in each joint allow simultaneous position-velocity-torque control, enabling compliant motions using a simple alternating-tripod walking gait. This work is funded by the DARPA M3 program.

Snake Monster Hexapod Robot

Published on Apr 17, 2015

Snake Monster (or MoJo meaning Modular Joint) is a modular and reconfigurable legged robot. In this video MoJo is configured into a hexapod that uses 18 identical series-elastic joint actuators. MoJo is being developed in the Biorobotics lab at Carnegie Mellon. Initial locomotion over flat, rugged, obstacle-filled, and snow covered terrain is demonstrated.

Serpent robot evolves into Snake Monster

Published on May 28, 2015

STORY: Move over snake robot and make way for the snake monster. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have taken their serpentine machines and connected them to a central hub to create one of the

Snake Monster hexapod

Published on Mar 14, 2016

Snake Monster is a modular and reconfigurable legged robot. In this video the robot is configured into a hexapod that uses 18 identical series-elastic joint actuators. Initial locomotion over flat, rugged, obstacle-filled, stairs, and snow covered terrain is demonstrated.

Snake monster mobile manipulation

Published on May 3, 2016

A demonstration of mobile manipulation with "Snake Monster," a hexapod robot built with modular actuators in the Biorobotics Lab, at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. Due to this robot's modular architecture, it is simple to change hardware from a passive rubber foot to a grasping end effector. The resulting leg can then be used for both locomotion and manipulation.

Snake Monster robot opens a door to make a delivery

Published on Dec 21, 2016

A festive Snake Monster opens a door to make a delivery!
Remote control operated by one person with a gamepad.
Carnegie Mellon University Biorobotics Laboratory