MuseNet, deep neural network that can generate 4-minute musical compositions with 10 different instruments,

Three AI Mozart Pieces -- composed using MuseNet artificial intelligence by OpenAI

Oct 8, 2022

I had a request for the Mozart style, so here are three pieces. The last one sounds like a cross between Bach and Haydn.

MuseNet is a free webpage-based interface to GPT-2 artificial intelligence. It generates measures, and you build your composition, first measure to last, or you can also upload your own MIDI intro measure(s).

This is my first posting of pieces in the Mozart style. Mozart's music has perfect balance and a natural beauty that is hard to approach. These sound a little Mozart-like in places and there are certain phrases I like here and there, but mostly it is hard for me to enjoy, and better if you don't think of it as Mozart at all.

I'm sure MuseNet is capable of producing some beautiful original Mozart, but I have not found it yet.

Video credits:
Dog swimming -- Video by Edward Everidge from Pixabay
Rain -- Video by Jean van der Meulen from Pixabay
Forest -- Video by Christian Bodhi from Pixabay