
NHTSA Wants Flexible Regulations For Autonomy - TU Automotive Detroit 2016

Published on Jun 8, 2016

Mark Rosekind lays out a roadmap to make Federal Regs trump state laws, and may seek Congressional legislation that allows NHTSA to give automakers more exemptions to those rules. In this exclusive interview, he says the United States has the opportunity to lead the world in bringing autonomous cars to the market.

Driverless cars to become a reality in Michigan

Published on Dec 9, 2016

Michigan passed the first law allowing the use and future purchase of truly driverless autonomous vehicles on the roads.

"You can now develop, test and buy a self-driving car in Michigan"
Governor Snyder's signature permits testing and sale of full self-driving cars, making it one of the most autonomy-friendly states in the Union.

by Andrew Krok
December 9, 2016

"Michigan passes new laws for driverless car trials"
Home of US motor industry seeks to grab lead from California as test bed

by Peter Campbell and Leslie Hook
December 9, 2016

Autonomous vehicles - what will it take to go mainstream?

Published on May 10, 2017

Two illustrious MIT alums - a politician who led the regulation of autonomous vehicles in the State Senate and a businessman who leads Waymo's effort - share their vision!

Alex Padilla - CA Secretary of State
John Krafcik - CEO Waymo

Autonomous vehicle technologies will dramatically change how we interact with vehicles; McKinsey estimates that 50 percent of new cars in 2030 could be highly autonomous. Laws and guidelines are being established at the state and federal level, but significant uncertainty still exists.

Policy: What major policies or regulations have advanced the autonomous vehicle industry and what are the real & perceived issues that policy must now address?

Markets: What are the early market opportunities and challenges, given policy and technology limitations? Where are the greatest opportunities for entrepreneurs?

Business Models: What kinds of new business models will accelerate the adoption of AVs? How will the role of the traditional OEM evolve?

The speakers will each give keynote introductions sharing how they got involved in the autonomous industry, how it has developed during this time and their vision for the future.

UK Parliament debate on self-driving and electric vehicles

Published on Nov 4, 2017

Recorded November 2nd, 2017

The application of ‘intelligence’ to cars is gathering pace and there is a strong push by manufacturers to develop automated vehicles which will drive themselves. Currently, insurance law is driver-centric: all (human) drivers have to have insurance in order to provide compensation for third parties for personal injury or property damage due to a driving related incident. The Government’s view is that such principles need to be extended to cover automated vehicles when the car is the driver and the ‘driver’ is sometimes a passenger.

The intention behind the legislation is to emphasise that if there is an insurance ’event’ (accident) the compensation route for the individual remains within the motor insurance settlement framework, rather than through a product liability framework against a manufacturer.

Electric vehicles

Since 2009 UK governments of all parties have sought to provide a framework in which electric vehicles, or ‘ultra low emission vehicles’ (ULEVs) can grow. The decarbonisation of both private cars and goods and passenger carrying vehicles is seen as critical to helping the UK achieve its climate change obligations and to improving air quality, particularly in cities such as London.

Waymo vs. Uber: The fight over self-driving car secrets

Published on Feb 5, 2018

A legal battle over self-driving car technology is set to become of the biggest court cases in the tech industry. Here's what you need to know from the first day of the trial.

The Future of Autonomous Vehicles in America - US Senate Hearing

Published on Jul 9, 2018

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing to examine how transportation infrastructure needs would evolve with the development of autonomous vehicles. Witnesses included state and local transportation officials as well as researchers working on autonomous vehicle development. They discussed the challenges adding autonomous vehicles to American roads would present for infrastructure planning as well as potential solutions for those problems. June 13th, 2018