Robot "Kanga", Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Hopping Robot "Kanga" Video

Published on Dec 27, 2013

"Kanga" is a kangaroo-inspired hopping robot created by Spencer Boone, Otto Briner, Saya Date, and David Wise for the "Biomimetics, Biomechanics, and Bio-Inspired Design" class at MIT (Fall 2013, Instructor: Prof. Sangbae Kim, TA: Matt Haberland).

Hopping Robot "Kanga" Simulation

Published on Dec 27, 2013

"Kanga" is a kangaroo-inspired hopping robot created by Spencer Boone, Otto Briner, Saya Date, and David Wise for the "Biomimetics, Biomechanics, and Bio-Inspired Design" class at MIT (Fall 2013) led by Prof. Sangbae Kim. This animation was created using Matlab simulation methods developed and taught by Matt Haberland