Homemade robots from Saurav Chakraborty, Brainergiser

How to make a walking robot at home

Published on Jul 15, 2014

There are some videos on homemade walking robots, but one explained how to make it. Here is step by step instructions to make a simple walking robot. I have used a old CD players door opening mechanism to make the robot.

How to make a self jumping Robo Toy

Published on Jul 28, 2014

Here is another MOTOR and BATTERY Project. It is a simple Robo Toy which can jump forward, then jumps backward again and stands on its own feet. Its homemade from aluminum sheets, iron wires and wood. A servo-motor was modified to provide the high torque low speed motion without the need of any control circuit for this project.

How to make a three legged single motor toy robot

Published on Jul 17, 2014

It is easy to make single motor based toy robot. Its moves with funny steps based on the different legs position and angle. Kids can really enjoy it.

How to make a Four Legged Walking Robot

Published on Sep 2, 2014

It is a four legged single motor control robot. It looks like an insect robot. The video provides step by step instructions to make this simple four legged walking robot. I have used an old CD player’s door opening mechanism to make the robot.

How to make a crawling robot

Published on Aug 29, 2014

Here are step by step instructions to make a simple crawling robot.The basic electronic components are a DC motor and a battery. I have used an old CD player's door opening mechanism to make the robot.

How to make a Walking Robo Dinosaur

Published on Dec 23, 2014

This is a Christmas gift to all my fans. Its about how to make a walking Robo Dinosaur using a single motor. While walking it moves tail and head too. A single servo motor was used for this. The circuit inside the servo was removed, therefore no external control circuit was necessary. Its just like a DC motor with gear box to provide high torque at low speed.

How to make a Toy Robo Snake

Published on Dec 15, 2014

Here are step by step instructions on how to make a toy robo snake. It is having two 3V DC motors, one 3.7V li-Po battery and one simple transistor base astable multivibrator circuit board. The frequency of the circuit is less than 1Hz. The timing can be changed by changing the value of C1 and C2.
The head part of snakes gets an oscillation motion because of this circuit and the motors. This oscillation is then moved down along the body towards the tail, giving a snake like body movement to the toy.

How to make a toy butterfly which can flap its wings

Published on Dec 30, 2014

This is a simple toy butterfly. It can flap its wings. The step by step instructions are given on how to make it. Inside it , there are, a small DC motor, two AA batteries and one easy to make astable multivibtator circuit.

How to make a fire breathing dragon head

Published on Jan 13, 2015

This is a dragon head made from sheet metal. It breathes real fire. As we are dealing with sharp metal edges and real fire safety is main priority. We should do it in presence of elders.
An alcohol base perfume spray bottle along with a small candle were used to make the fire ball. This is a non-electronic project work. But if someone wants then they can add electronic part to make the jaw opening and the perfume bottle pressing mechanism using a servo motor. And instead of candle a high voltage stunt gun / spark mechanism can be used to ignite the fire.

How to make a Robot Octopus

Published on Jan 22, 2015

This video is about a robot octopus. Step by step instructions are given on how to make it at home. Its single motor driven easy to make underwater robo octopus. There are eight legs which the octopus uses to move and swim under water

How to make a rope climbing robot

Published on Jan 26, 2015

This video is about a rope climbing robot. It is an easy to make robot. Step by step instructions are given on how to make it at home. Its single motor robot which can climb up as well as can climb down.

How to make your own Animatronics Robot at home

Published on Jun 2, 2015

Animatronics refers to the use of robotic devices to emulate a human or an animal, or bring lifelike characteristics. It is widely used in many famous movie like E.T. , Koi Mil gaya ,Terminator. E.T and Jadoo’s head were animatronics robot, (motor and string guided) with a rubber skin. But in the body there was hidden human. We tried to make the robotic part here using two servo motors. The control circuit was based to 555 timer IC to provide pulses to the servo ( 0.5 to 2.5mS pulse, with fixed time period of 21mS). A multi-turn variable resistor/potentiometer were used to vary the pulse width thus the angle of rotation. The difficult part is the aluminum body. Approx dimensions are given for each parts.

how to make a very simple Infra Red IR proximity sensor for Robots

Published on Jun 3, 2015

Here I have shown a very simple IR circuit to make proximity sensor to detect an object. I can be use it robotics. Also you can fit this circuit in a small box with a buzzer and use it as burglar alarm. This circuit will be used in some upcoming robotics projects.

How to make a Robot Toy using proximity sensor and old CD

Published on Jun 6, 2015

Here is a concept of very simple robot toy. Two CD were used to make its wheels. One IR proximity sensor detects the presence of your hand and switch ON the motor.

How to make a simple obstacle detection and an edge robot car

Published on Jun 19, 2015

Here is the method of making a very simple obstacle detection robot car. It can be easily converted to a edge detection robot car. So suppose the car is on top of a table. It will never fall from there as it can detect the edge and takes a turn.

How to make a robot which can follow an object

Published on Oct 9, 2015

Here is how you can make a very simple follow me robot. It can sense the presence of object to be followed using Infra-Red ( IR ) sensor. There are one IR Led and two IR photo diode (with back IR Filter) . When the IR gets reflected from a nearby object and reflected back to both the receivers, thus the transistor based switches power ON both the motors and the robot moves forward. If the object moves left or right then any one motor gets switched on and the robo takes turn.

How to make an easy drawing robot for kids

Published on Oct 17, 2015

This is a drawing robot or Draw-Bot. Its easy to make and can draw random lines of different color on a paper. Each drawing will be different and unique from other as its random. So make it and enjoy drawing with it.

How to make a Robot which can walk on irregular surface

Published on Nov 23, 2015

This a simple robot which can walk on irregular surface. Its non-wheel based walking mechanism. Make your own robot to get more hands on.