Adept Quattro, parallel robots, Omron Adept Technologies, Inc., Pleasanton, California, USA

Quattro - Aspirin Packets

Published on Oct 17, 2014

Adept Quattro high-speed, parallel robot demonstrating 120 picks per minute of single serving aspirin packets

An integrated, high resolution camera determines the packet location and orientation on the feeder belt.

Quattro - SoftPIC - Donuts

Published on Oct 24, 2014

Adept Quattro robot picking and placing pastries with proprietary SoftPic gripper
· The completely sealed SoftPic gripper uses vacuum pressure to grasp the donuts without damaging the icing
· Quattro robots are USDA accepted and are ideal for high-speed food processing applications

Quattro - Condoms

Published on Nov 7, 2014

Adept Quattro Demonstrating Simple Pick and Place of Condom Packages Randomly Fed onto a Line

- An integrated, overhead camera determines the condom package location and orientation for an accurate pick

Quattro demo at CIIF tradeshow 2014, Shanghai China

Published on Dec 8, 2014

Quattro parallel robot demonstrating picking and placing on a moving conveyor

· Both the Quattro and Python linear module are running on a single Adept SmartController, which is capable of controlling up to 24 axis.
· The Adept Quattro is the world’s fastest parallel robot and is often used for food and packaging applications

Quattro - Confection Application

Published on Jan 2, 2015

Adept Quattro robots loading chocolates into consumer packaging
· Multiple Quattro robots are used in series to meet changing throughput needs of different products and packages
· Quattro robots are ideally suited for primary food handling with a hygienic design and USDA acceptance

OMRON robotic solutions

Published on Aug 16, 2016

Omron’s unique combination of software and control architecture addresses the factory automation challenges from producing a high variety mix of products with short product lifecycles that require rapid production line changeovers.

The common controls, integrated software architecture and development environment meet current and future needs for ease of process design, flexible operation and predictable maintenance. The flexibility and agility of our solutions is ideal for industries such as Food and Beverage, Automotive and Electronics.