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Precision farming for sustainable agriculture

Published on Jan 11, 2013

Determining the right amount of nitrogen fertilizer to apply with the right timing has considerable impact on yield, protein content, fertilization cost and the environment. These precision farming tools allow farmers to adjust fertilization to the exact needs of plants at every spot on the field.

The Yara N-Sensor is a tractor-mounted device. It measures light reflectance from the crop canopy in different spectral ranges.

The Yara N-Tester is a handheld device used for determining nitrogen requirements by measuring the chlorophyll content of the leaf.

SupraSensor could be super tool for precision agriculture - Science Nation

Published on Mar 14, 2016

Preserving the environment and developing agricultural products that do not harm unintended targets are top priorities for many scientists and farmers, as well as environmentalists. It’s a new era of crop management known as precision agriculture. It maximizes productivity while minimizing energy use and environmental impacts.

One of the major challenges being addressed by precision agriculture is over-fertilization. About 30 percent of nitrate fertilizer applied to U.S. crops simply washes away. This wastes the fertilizer and the energy used to make it, in addition to posing possible harm to the environment

Support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) has led to the development by start-up SupraSensor Technologies of a novel sensor to detect nitrate fertilizer in soil. The SupraSensor device is designed to give farmers a highly accurate, virtually constant stream of data on nitrate levels. The device is an excellent example of highly applied science with roots in basic research -- in this case supramolecular chemistry at the University of Oregon.

Supramolecular chemistry is a simple idea of how two or more molecules might interact or bind with one another without forming strong irreversible interactions. A supramolecular interaction is key to how the SupraSensor nitrogen sensor works. The research team has also since developed electronics to store data, wireless capability, even a smart phone app.

The research in this episode was supported by NSF awards #0718242, Phenyl-Acetylene Scaffolding: Experimental, Theoretical, and Materials Studies of New Molecular Systems; and #0545206, CAREER: Supramolecular Main Group Coordination Chemistry. CAREER is NSF’s Faculty Early Career Development Program. Also related is award #1237240, Innovation Corps (I-Corps): Commercialization of new anion-sensing materials.