Diem (Libra), cryptocurrency

How Does Facebook’s Libra Association Work? A Founding Member explains

Published on Jun 19, 2019

Bison Trails is among the founding members of the Libra Association, the governing body of Facebook-backed digital currency Libra, and the infrastructure provider for the Libra network. Joseph Lallouz, CEO at Bison Trails, talked with Cointelegraph about the company’s role in the Libra project.

What is the future of Libra?

Published on Jun 20, 2019

Libra, a new cryptocurrency backed by Facebook, is already making headlines all around the globe. Why is the Libra project considered so disruptive and what will be its impact on the crypto industry and on the global financial system? Matthias Weissle, CEO at Swiss-based venture capital firm Verum Capital gave us his perspective in an exclusive interview.

Livestream: Zuckerberg defends Facebook cryptocurrency before Congress

October 10, 2019

In this livestream: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before a congressional committee investigating the company's plans to launch a new cryptocurrency.
A first version is projected to be released in 2020, right? But i also heard that “Libra will never launch in its current form.” So I'll have to keep trading and using only changehero.io platform. A number of analysts hold the opinion that Libra will launch–but that the project will look different than what was originally planned