Highly Biomimetic Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand, Zhe Xu and Emanuel Todorov, USA

The Highly Biomimetic Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
February 8, 2016

A wide range of research areas, from telemanipulation in robotics to limb regeneration in tissue engineering, could benefit from an anthropomorphic robotic hand that mimics the salient features of the human hand. The challenges of designing such a robotic hand are mainly resulted from our limited understanding of the human hand from engineering point of view and our ability to replicate the important biomechanical features with conventional mechanical design. We believe that the biomechanics of human hand is an essential component of the hand dexterity and can be replicated with highly biomimetic design. To this end, we reinterpret the important biomechanical advantages of the human hand from roboticist’s perspective and design a biomimetic robotic hand that closely mimics its human counterpart with artificial joint capsules, crocheted ligaments and tendons, laser-cut extensor hood, and elastic pulley mechanisms.
More detailed information can be found from the following paper:
Zhe Xu and Emanuel Todorov. Design of a Highly Biomimetic Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand towards Artificial Limb Regeneration. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2016 (ICRA'16).