Grant Imahara

Geoff Peterson 1.0 Intro

Published on Aug 21, 2012

This is an introduction video demonstrating Geoff Peterson 1.0 for The Late Late Show. It was filmed late at night on the night on April 1, 2010 (which is technically Geoff's official inception date). The first version of Geoff had a button box to trigger the sequences. Later this was changed to wireless control using an iPad. Josh Robert Thompson provided the voice for Geoff since the beginning, with an offscreen operator controlling Geoff. In 2011, Josh took over voicing and puppeteering duties full time, and that is how it has remained since then.

Grant Imahara's giant killer spider robot

Published on Jun 3, 2014

For the past seven years, Grant has toiled on an oversized personal project that he plans to ride into battle. Or at least to the corner store for some food and beverages. Hear him talk about about this bot, and all the rest he's made, including R2-D2 and the Energizer Bunny.

Q and A with Grant Imahara and Jenna Busch!

Published on Dec 11, 2014

Kim asked Twitter for questions for Grant Imahara (Star Trek Continues, Mythbusters) and Jenna Busch (Legion of Leia, Drinks with Stan). What do they think of robot friends and helpers? What lightsaber would they wield? Grant and Jenna answer these questions and more!