
How holograms are made

Published on Oct 20, 2014

While in New York, Norm stops by Holographic Studios, one the last remaining independent holography galleries and photography studios still operating. Its founder, Jason Sapan, has spent almost 40 years practicing the art of holographic imagery. We figure he's the best person to explain to us what exactly is a hologram, and how they're painstakingly made.

Learn more about holography and Jason Sapan's Holographic Studios at http://www.holographer.com

Japanese scientists create touchable holograms

Published on Nov 30, 2015

Japanese scientists create touchable holograms, believing this could contribute to architecture and medicine. Jim Drury reports.

Pictures in the air: 3D printing with light

Published on Jan 24, 2018

A glowing image resembling a futuristic hologram floats in mid-air. This is a 3D volumetric display. Using a tiny particle suspended in laser light, researchers have been able to create high resolution, colour images that take up real 3D space. Developing this technology could lead to the kind of complex, interactive displays common in science fiction.

"Physicists create Star Wars-style 3D projections — just don’t call them holograms"
Laser and particle system produces three-dimensional moving images that appear to float in thin air.

by Elizabeth Gibney
January 24, 2018

Opening Ceremony presented by Mastercard | 2019 World Championship Finals

Nov 10, 2019

Watch the Opening Ceremony of the 2019 League of Legends World Championship in Paris, presented by Mastercard.

"Designing League of Legends’ stunning Holographic worlds opening ceremony"
With a little help from the Super Bowl and Louis Vuitton

by Andrew Webster
November 11, 2019