PR2, mobile manipulation platform, Willow Garage, Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA

Robot Factory
from Brady Welch
October 25, 2013

A robot scientist lays out the past, present, and future of robotics, and good for us, it’s more Jetsons than Terminator.

Produced by Brady Welch / Camera by Mike Seely / Editing and Sound by John Kane / Production Assistance by Jay Ramiro / Music by Phil Manley

Ross Finman's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Published on Sep 2, 2014

CSAIL graduate student Ross Finman is nominated by his former colleague Hordur Johannsson to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, but Ross soon discovers that Hordur is not the only one--or only thing--that wants him to participate...


Published on Jun 5, 2018

At the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) earlier this year, the Haptic Intelligence Department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, presented a paper on “Emotionally Supporting Humans Through Robot Hugs.” Their work explores how robots can be more effectively designed and taught to give the kinds of hugs that humans will love.

The research presented at HRI is an attempt to figure some of this out, by conducting a study where participants hugged a specially modified PR2 named HuggieBot.

"The Importance of Teaching Robots to Hug"
Knowing how to give good hugs is an important life skill, even for robots

by Evan Ackerman
June 5, 2018