

Staff member

Kinetic Beetle
April 13, 2013

Robotic Vision & Light class:
Microsoft Kinect controlled Pincher Beetle
1/8" Acrylic sheets laser cut and assembled.
3 servos
Leonardo Microcontroller

Shih Chieh Huang: Synthetic Seduction

Mar 11, 2013

Shih Chieh Huang creates mesmerizing mechanical creatures from trash and simple technology.
From Shih Chieh Huang's exhibition, "Synthetic Seduction", at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
• More about Shih Chieh Huang's exhibition at ybca.org/shih-chieh-huang-synthetic-seduction
• Video by Ben Leon / YBCA

The Pandora's box demo
July 7, 2013

"The Pandora's box" is an interactive installation made by Arduino and FlashActionscript.
The main concept is to reveal human's egocentrism, through opening the box you'll find out many virtual eyeballs and a robotic eye watching you, and moves with you.
Just like you put yourself on to the stage, the mental pressure is from yourself.

Lunaglow robots
February 17, 2016

This video features some on my re-purposed material sculptures. I use vintage and surplus metal objects to form robot-like creatures with unique personalities. Most of the materials consist of vintage kitchen items, but also include surplus from universities and other interesting metal objects. They are put together using bolts and rivets and I don't use glues or welding for maximum eco-friendliness. More sculptures can be seen at lunaglow.com

Borges Mirror
from Ravi Heugle
April 7, 2016

Meet George, a nervous robot that doesn't know much about the world. He's deaf, dumb, and mostly blind. George is also lonely, and the only way he'll feel less lonely is through eye contact - that's what feeds him. Once George finds a face he'll do his best to lock in on it and with enough time, his vision will improve enough to see the face in full. This interactive art piece was shown at Gray Area and was made using openFrameworks and Arduino.

Sand writer ‘Skryf’ by Dutch installation artist Gijs van Bon at street theatre / art festival ‘Tous Dehors (enfin) !’ in Gap, France.
video by Pierre Derks
July 8, 2014

“Skryf is based on CNC (computer numerical control) milling machines. This technique consists of manipulating tools by a computer. The technique used in Skryf is constructed so Skryf can write letters and drawings with sand. (...) The computer calculates the right coordinates, and three motors control the ‘mouth’ where the sand comes from. Different fonts, but also logos and drawings are possible to draw. Skyf writes with white bird sand.”