Giacometti Walking Robot, hexapod, Suzumori Endo Lab, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Lightweight and Slim Hexapod Giacometti Robot

Published on Dec 25, 2016

Suzumori Endo Lab at Tokyo Institute of Technology in collaboration with A2Lab, UTM has developed a lightweight and slim Giacometti Walking Robot. The robot has 0.94 m height, 1.67 m width, 1.5 m length and 3.7 kg weight. The development of Hexapod Giacometti Robot has a simple structural design using soft and thin soft actuator and CFRP material. The motivation of this work is to make the robot safe to work with the operator. The damage to the robot and the surroundings would be very small if an accident occurs. We hope for more exploration on big and safety robots in the future robotics.

Project members:
A.A.M Faudzi, K.Suzumori, G.Endo, S.Kurumaya