Kwangmyongsong program, North Korea

Kwangmyongsong 1

Uploaded on May 5, 2006

"Kwangmyongsong No. 1" revolves round earth
Pyongyang, September 8 (KCNA) -- The first artificial satellite of the DPRK launched at Musudan-ri, Hwadae county, North Hamgyong Province, on August 31 is now revolving round the earth. The multi-stage carrier rocket and satellite launched by Korean scientists and technicians were developed with local strength, wisdom and technology 100 percent. Today's edition of Rodong Sinmun carries an interview with scientists and technicians involved in the satellite launch and a sketch map of the carrier rocket launching test. The first and second rocket stages are made up of liquid rocket engines and the third stage an engine with highly efficient solid fuel. The control mechanism of the rocket is a product of advanced science and technology, including computers. The first stage was separated from the rocket 95 seconds after the launch and fell on the open waters of the East Sea of Korea 253 km off the launching station, that is 40 degrees 51 minutes north latitude 132 degrees 40 minutes east longitude. The second stage opened the capsule in 144 seconds, separated itself from the rocket in 266 seconds and fell on the open waters of the Pacific 1,646 km off from the launching station, that is 40 degrees 13 minutes north latitude 149 degrees 07 minutes east longitude. The third stage put the satellite into orbit 27 seconds after the separation of the second stage. The purpose and mission of the rocket were accomplished at the first launch. This demonstrates the might of science and technology of Juche and proves the high level of the technology of development and manufacture of the carrier rocket. General Secretary Kim Jong Il sent thanks to the scientists, technicians and workers who contributed to the successful launch of the satellite.

Artificial satellite "Kwangmyongsong No.1" makes 100 rounds of the earth
Pyongyang, September 14 (KCNA) -- The artificial satellite "Kwangmyongsong no.1" which had been launched in Korea at 12:07 on August 31 made 100 rounds of the earth between 08:24 and 11:17 on September 13. In the 100th period the satellite passed the DPRK in the air 220 kilometres high via the sky above the northern part of Hawaii, Chile, Argentina and other South American countries, the Atlantic ocean, Namibia, Angola, Democratic Congo, Ethiopia, Pakistan and China. The first artificial satellite of the DPRK successfully made 100 rounds of the earth, demonstrating the potentials of the DPRK which is accelerating the development of the space, an area of ultra-modern science of humankind, in reliance upon national strength and advanced science and technology. The artificial satellite is expected to be seen with the naked eye when it is passing the DPRK in early October.

Satellite can be seen by naked eye
Pyongyang, October 1 (KCNA) -- "Kwangmyongsong No. 1," the artificial earth satellite launched by the DPRK at 12:07 August 31, can be seen by the naked eye early this month. A competent organ said that the satellite moving from the west to the cast can be seen in different parts of Korea between 04:50 and 05:30 (local time) on Oct. 3 and 4.

[KCTV] Kwangmyongsong-3 (December 12, 2012)

Published on Dec 23, 2012

Scientists and technicians of the DPRK successfully launched the second version of satellite Kwangmyongsong-3 into its orbit by carrier rocket Unha-3, true to the last instructions of leader Kim Jong Il.
Carrier rocket Unha-3 with the second version of satellite Kwangmyongsong-3 atop blasted off from the Sohae Space Center in Cholsan County, North Phyongan Province at 09:49:46 on December 12, Juche 101(2012). The satellite entered its preset orbit at 09:59:13, 9 minutes and 27 seconds after the lift-off.
The satellite is going round the polar orbit at 499.7 km perigee altitude and 584.18 km apogee altitude at the angle of inclination of 97.4 degrees. Its cycle is 95 minutes and 29 seconds.
The scientific and technological satellite is fitted with survey and communications devices essential for the observation of the earth.
The successful launch of the satellite is a proud fruition of the Workers' Party of Korea's policy of attaching importance to the science and technology. It is also an event of great turn in developing the country's science, technology and economy by fully exercising the independent right to use space for peaceful purposes.
At a time when great yearnings and reverence for Kim Jong Il pervade the whole country, its scientists and technicians brilliantly carried out his behests to launch a scientific and technological satellite in 2012, the year marking the 100th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA)

KCTV (First Reactions of Korean People After Launch Kwangmyongsong-4 Satellite)

Published on Feb 7, 2016

The successful launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 drives Pyongyangites into great ecstasy. In this regard, Kim Pyong Sik, vice-minister of Physical Culture and Sports, told KCNA: Another satellite was launched into the space on the threshold of the Day of the Shining Star, the greatest national holiday. I am proud of being a member of Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's nation, a nuclear weapons state. The successful launch is a manifestation of great vitality of the policy of the Workers' Party of Korea on attaching great importance to science and technology. Han Un Chol, a student of Kim Il Sung University, said: We raised the cheers of hurrah for the successful launch of satellite. We are fully determined to prepare ourselves to be patriots like those space scientists and technicians.