Jessiko Robot Fish, Robotswim, Palaiseau, Paris, France

Jessiko Robot Fish in France Pavilion at Yeosu 2012 World Expo

Published on Apr 2, 2013

Jessiko is a robot fish created by the French company Robotswim.
It was first exhibited on France Pavilion at Yeosu 2012 World Expo in South Korea.
It is currently marketed at events and for luxury decoration (luxury hotels, restaurants, commercial centers, museums, waiting rooms...).

Jessiko robot fish overview

Published on May 2, 2014

Jessiko, is 22 cm long and can swim in a school of 10 or more robots, to create entertaining aquatic choreography and light effects.
It is currently marketed at events and for prestige decoration (Luxury hotels, commercial centers, museums, clubs, waiting rooms, headquarters...).
Robotswim is a French startup founded in 2009 in Paris Area.

Close encounters with robot fishes

Published on Oct 2, 2014

This video was shot last day of Yeosu Expo in France Pavillon.
Robot fishes are attracted by the hand activated optical beacon.
Most incredible experience is the contact between robot fins and skin.

Girl attracting Jessiko Robot Fish with attractive beacon

Published on Nov 4, 2014

In this video a girl uses the "Jessiko Attractor" to attract the robot fish.
The tank is our 1300 liters aquarium for Events (transportable tank).

Jessiko robot fish call in Aquarium de Paris

Published on Feb 19, 2015

From February 14th to March 1st, many robot fish swim in a tank of Aquarium de Paris 8 hours a day.
In this video, the nurse is calling the fish before getting them out and putting them on the inductive charger for night.

Incredible experience animal robot in Marineland Antibes!

Published on Feb 24, 2016

A living fish is buddy-buddy with Jessiko robot fishes during a test :)

The fish is a Naso Vlamingii. Biologists from Marineland think that it wants the robots to get rid of its parasits!

"Jessiko Hexa" transportable tank with Jessiko robot fish - Inside view

Published on Feb 25, 2016

"Jessiko Hexa" transportable tank with Jessiko robot fish - Middle view

Published on Feb 25, 2016

Jessiko robot fish overview 2016

Published on Apr 8, 2016

Jessiko is a robot fish currently marketed at Events and for prestigious permanent decoration (Luxury hotels, commercial centers, museums, clubs, waiting rooms, headquarters…).

This video is an overview of its capabilities.
List of sequences:
1) Autonomous swimming in France pavilion - Yeosu World Expo (Korea) - May 2012
2) Shoal control by a diver in Aqua 92 diving center - Paris Area (France) - November 2014
3) School of robot fish in France pavilion - Yeosu World Expo (Korea) - August 2012
4) Show with Claire, the famous French mermaid performer in Aqua 92 diving center - Paris Area (France) - May 2015
5) Jessiko with embedded camera in Aquarium de Paris - Paris (France) - February 2015
6) Interaction with a living fish (Naso Vlamingii) in Marineland Antibes - French Riviera - August 2015
7) Interaction with a girl in Geek Picnic event - Saint Petersburg (Russia) - June 2015
8) Permanent installation in the Robot Museum - Suzhou (China) - January 2016

Remote control of Jessiko robot fish with Jessiko Link

Published on Apr 6, 2018

Jessiko Link is a system designed to allow people to use their tablet and smartphones as a remote control for Jessiko robot fish.
To use it they just have to scan the QR Code and follow instructions.

Jessiko the robotic fish by Robot Swim

Apr 19, 2020

- Right, hi guys. It's Philip English, 2016 in Innorobo. We're here with some robot fish for you. So we got a gentleman here who's gonna give you like an introduction and then he's gonna explain the product a little bit more. So, if you could introduce yourself for us.

- I'm Cristophe. I founded the Robotswim company in 2009. It's based on rubber, in Jessiko. It's based on Jessiko rubber fish, our products.

- Okay, so give us a run through of how the fish works. I'm assuming that you sorta charge them up, they last so many hours and then I see that they're attracted to a little light or a little beacon. Can you explain to us?

- Yes. There are two main innovations. The first one is for very long range swimming. They can swim for eight hours or more, so during one day. And the other innovation is about the localization system. It's based on light, so they are a sort of homing head, like on a missile. So you can call them and they can use beacons in the tank to follow localization to know their way, where they go.

- Right, see then. And then, so for these sorta robots, it, so, see you're looking to sell it as a display sorta piece, so it's there to design, to attract people, so people can come see the robots and then they come into the restaurant or they come into the place of wherever the robots are, is that right?

- Yes, the economic motivator for our client is to attract the people, yes. It's a, we designed this robot to be very amazing, to transmit emotions to people. That's why it's interesting for our customers to use it, to attract people and to, so that people can take picture, take video and share it on the social networks.

- Yeah so it's got that wow factor, so you know, that wow factor so people can come and see it. So can it go like any color? I can see we got some blue ones, some pink ones. Is it any color?

- In fact with colors, it was at the beginning used as a debugging system, because we wanted to know the direction and what was the fish thinking about next movements, but we can design it differently, we can choose different color, or we can also change color by following the music or something like that.

- Yeah, 'cause that was my next question actually. So, is it, can you literally do, what would it called? Like a musical piece, so there'll be certain music playing and the fish would go to that, to the sound of the beat almost. Is that, can you actually do that?

- There are many configuration we can, yes create some choreographies, you can, they can interact with music, change color or move, depending of the music, depending of people if attracting they are using a specific beacon or pushing a button or playing with a smart phone. Are many possibilities and direction with people.

- Okay, and like what's the next step then? So you got this size fish. Are you looking to make sorta bigger fish or faster fish, like what's the next step?

- For us it's this fish is now a definite design, so we only work on the reliability of this fish to improve time between two repairs or two maintenance operations, but we have another project at Robotswim. It's robotic turtle.

- Okay.

- It's robotic turtle. The objective is to design a remote turtle that you can use to explore some parts in the tank.

- Okay.

- And with real time video, directly from example for to use smartphone, our customer for it will be the marine museum,

- Okay.

- for example. Everywhere where you have a tank with fish, with very nice decor and so you want, but people can swim in it, like, if they were really in it.

- Oh okay, and like how big's this turtle gonna be? Is it say big or?

- It be about 20 centimeters.

- About 20 centimeters, okay. Right, okay no that's fine. So what I'll do is I'll put some links in to show you where you can find some more information about these lovely fish. And I think that's a brilliant overview, so I thank you very much for your time.

- Thank you.