iRobot Mirra, pool cleaning robot, iRobot Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts, USA

iRobot Mirra 530 - Setup

Published on Apr 16, 2013

Setting up your Mirra 530 is simple. Simply drop Mirra into the pool, push the CLEAN button and off it goes on the optimum cleaning cycle for your pool.
Makes Cleaning The Pool Easier Than Ever

iRobot Mirra 530 Overview

Published on Apr 16, 2013

The new iRobot Mirra 530 Pool Cleaning Robot features the latest in robotic and pool cleaning technology, designed to make cleaning your pool easier than ever. Featuring iAdapt® Nautiq Responsive Cleaning Technology, Mirra sizes up the approximate dimensions of your pool then choose the optimum cleaning cycle. Mirra deep cleans without using the pool's filtration system, hoses or booster pumps, resulting in energy-cost savings for you.