TASKI Intellibot, cleaning robots, Diversey, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 Customer Testimonials - cross sector compilation

Nov 25, 2019

“We used to frequently work nights but, thanks to the TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000, this is no longer the case.”

– Nico Jäger, School Janitor and Facility Manager, the Cantonal School of Graubünden

“If laughter is the best medicine, then smiles are a great booster shot.”

– Morton Kristein, Senior Consultant, Aalborg University Hospital

“We are very excited about the arrival of new technology and innovations from TASKI.“

– Nick Athan-Iksidis, State Operations Manager, SECUREclean, Brisbane Airport

“Would I recommend a TASKI SWINGOBOT to other organisations? Yes, I would recommend it to everyone.”

– Michael Hiddes, Regional Operations Manager, ISS

“The robot has been named Bertha by the warehouse staff; a good sign that this newest ‘colleague’ has been fully accepted into the team.”

Benjamin Hermans, Business Unit Manager, H.Essers