AMOS II, hexapod robot, The Emmy Noether Research Group on Neural Control, Goettingen, Germany

Autonomous walking robots under neural control: Episode2_1

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2008

Advanced Mobility Sensor Driven-Walking Devices are the reactive 4- and 6-legged walking machines which mimic the structures of walking animals. Both walking
machines driven by the same modular neural control can autonomously perform various reactive behaviors. They can serve as hardware platforms for experiments concerning the function of neural perception-action systems and for developing embodied control techniques.

Hexapod robot AMOS II: Virtual muscles from servo motors & muscle models for compliant behaviors

Published on Aug 18, 2013

We developed a simple muscle model (biomechanics) for robot joint control. The model is based on a virtual agonist-antagonist mechanism (VAAM) consisting of contractile and parallel elements (CEs and PEs). "Virtual" here means that every joint physically actuated by a standard servo motor can produce variable compliant motions as if it were driven by a pair of agonist and antagonist muscles. This makes it different from variable stiffiness actuators (VSAs) with mechanically bulky and complex mechanisms. The model only relies on force sensing at the end effector of robot rather than complex force/torque and/or angle sensing of every joint. It enables AMOS II (six-legged robot) to perform variable compliant behaviors, thereby reducing contact force and preventing leg damages when it is imposed with static or dynamical perturbation. See for more details.

Hexapod robot AMOS II: Passive compliances

Published on Aug 18, 2013

AMOS II was designed based on biomechanics (i.e., compliant joints, spring mechanisms, and, body and leg structures). This leads to a robust and high mobility embedded hardware platform with self-stabilization.

This video shows passive compliances of the joints and legs of AMOS II (six-legged walking robot). The joint compliance enables AMOS II to passively flex its legs to avoid damages when the environment changes. In addition, its leg compliance allows it to absorb external (ground reaction) forces. See for more details.

AMOSII: The adaptive, autonomous, versatile walking robot

Published on Jan 2, 2015

AMOSII is the bio-inspired six legged walking robot. It complex locomotion behaviors are generated by adaptive neural control. It can learn and adapt its locomotion to physical and environmental changes. It can be viewed as an embodied neurorobotic system.