Giant Fighting Robots, MegaBots Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, USA

MegaBots at New York Comic Con 2014

Published on Oct 22, 2014

The MegaBots team debuts the first giant fighting mech robot, Mark I, and missile turret at New York Comic Con 2014 (NYCC) as they prepare for their Kickstarter launch.

Real-Life Mech Prototype Destroys Junk Car

Published on Nov 8, 2014

The MegaBots team took the Mark I to a secret location outside of Boston and tested the cannon on a junker. The MegaBall, a 6 inch, 3 lb, paint-filled cannonball, was fired at 120 miles per hour, causing massive damage to the vehicle. Check us out and support our Kickstarter if you like what you see!

Real-Life Mech Prototype Destroys Junk Car

Published on Nov 13, 2014

The MegaBots team took the Mark I to a secret location outside of Boston and tested the cannon on a junker. After testing the MegaBall, the MegaBots team tested random ammunition after the sun went down. Check us out and support our Kickstarter if you like what you see!

Megabots' Giant Fighting Robot!

Published on May 23, 2015

We ran into a giant mech at Maker Faire! Megabots' creators constructed this massive concept robot in hopes of building a league of combat bots for spectators. Their fighting robots would be piloted by teams of drivers, and use massive hand-made paintballs to knock armor and other pieces off of their opponents. We enter the cockpit of this robot and check out its controls!

MegaBots at Maker Faire 2015: World Debut of the Mk. II Mech

Published on Jun 9, 2015

In January of 2015, MegaBots and Autodesk partnered up to challenge makers from around the world to design the armor paneling of miniature MegaBots to show what our final walking robots might look like, and a reloading left arm cannon for our full-scale MegaBot. We then turned the torso shell and right arm of our Mk. I upper body prototype into a full-scale, 15 foot tall, 6 ton tracked mech that has the ability to drive, stand, torso twist, and fire interchangeable weapons from both arms.

The Mk. II is a tracked prototype of the walking mechs we're gearing up to start designing and building. It's roughly the same size and weight as our final robots will be, with similar abilities to change out weapon systems and armor paneling.

Response to robot duel challenge

Published on Jul 5, 2015

Megabots, thank you for issuing the video.

On behalf of Japan, we accept your challenge.

But on one condition: That melee combat be a part of the fight.
Organize the duel, Megabots, and we’ll be there to battle it out.

This duel stands to go down in history as the world’s first giant robot battle.
Let’s make sure it’s something for the historians to write about.

Support team USA in the giant robot duel!
Team USA Kickstarter for giant robot duel

Published on Aug 18, 2015

MegaBots, Inc. has spent the past month and a half assembling an unbelievable crew to take on Suidobashi Heavy Industries in the giant robot duel. Grant Imahara, the founders of BattleBots, Peter Diamandis, NASA, Autodesk, Howe & Howe Technologies, IHMC and FonCo Creative Solutions have banded together with MegaBots to build the most American robot ever to take down Japan!!

Team USA needs YOUR help to fund this incredible project. Please support us in our Kickstarter campaign to upgrade the Mk.II!

Operation: Schwarzenegger

Published on Aug 25, 2015

We have to upgrade the Mk.II for our upcoming fight against Japan, and that means taking off the Big American Guns we have on her right now. We asked our fans who they'd most like to see in the cockpit, and they said: Arnold Schwarzenegger. Help us get him in the Mk.II! Share this video and tweet @Schwarzenegger to help us say a proper goodbye to these big, beautiful guns!

Howe & Howe Upgrades for the Mk.II

Published on Sep 3, 2015

Howe & Howe Technologies is joining Team USA in the giant robot duel by upgrading our track systems for much greater speed and power, increased agility and stability, and rough terrain capacity.


Published on Sep 18, 2015

THANK YOU SO MUCH INTERNET! With your help, we successfully crowdfunded upgrades to the Mk.II! We're going to spend the next year upgrading this beast into the most badass, most American robot the world's ever seen! In thanks, we've made a blooper reel for you out of footage we've taken over the past year. Enjoy!

Real life giant robot vs $80 toy robot

Published on Sep 17, 2015

Megabots challenged Japan to a real life robot duel and we got to check out the Mark II early, so naturally we stacked it up against Mip, an $80 robot from Amazon.

Big Bad Robots

Published on May 22, 2015

Big & Bad is all relative in robotics. Don't judge a robot by its size. Join Robogames founder David Caulkins with roboticists Mark Setrakian (Robot Combat League) and Gui Cavalcanti (MegaBots) and artist Christan Ristow (Hand of Man) to discuss the nuances of what is "big and bad."

Real life killer robot!

Published on Sep 27, 2015

We went to American Steel Studios to check out some serious Megabots! We get to pilot the prototype of the robot that they will eventually be sending to battle Japan and it was AWESOME!

Megabot Mk. II is a giant robot hoping to win a mech battle

Published on Jan 11, 2016

The Megabot Mk. II will be dueling its Japanese rival the Kuratas made by Suidobashi Heavy Industry later this year. Megabot gave a small demo of its capabilities (or lack thereof) at CES 2016.

MegaBots season 1 trailer

Published on Sep 14, 2016

Team USA is BACK and it's getting ready to take on Team Japan in the world's first Giant Robot Duel! Subscribe to this channel to see the Duel, and watch as MegaBots prepares for the Giant Robot Duel by: destructively testing the Mk2, working with specialists like Howe & Howe Technologies and IHMC Robotics, studying human physiology and combat techniques, testing ludicrously large and powerful giant robot weapons, and generally designing, building, and testing the world's largest (16 ft tall), heaviest (10-ton), and most expensive ($2.5M) sports combat robot.

How to destroy a giant robot

Published on Sep 28, 2016

Welcome to MegaBots Season 1! We’ve created a YouTube series that follows the design, fabrication, and testing of America’s first mech in preparation for the world’s first Giant Robot Duel between us and Suidobashi Heavy Industry of Japan. We start by destroying our Mk.II robot… for SCIENCE. If we’re going to be inside this robot during the Duel, we’re going to make damn sure we don’t get hurt (or worse) during combat. To do that, we need to try to break our $200,000, 6-ton, 15-foot tall combat robot and see what happens to a crash test dummy inside.