Human Brain Project (HBP), Europe

Building a Working Human Brain on a Supercomputer

Published on Jun 18, 2014

If you believe the hype, robots and artificial intelligence are going to take over the world one day. Until now though no computer has come close to simulating the human brain. One organization is trying to change that as Jessica Howard has been finding out. (Source: Bloomberg)

The HBP Magazine wants you: send us your brain art

Published on Jul 31, 2014

The Human Brain Project is launching a digital magazine later this year and we want you to be a part of it: get involved and send us your brain art!

We want to promote your work - the best submissions will feature in the magazine. We want photos, graphics, animations, illustrations or videos that you have made that relate to the brain. And you can submit as many different works of art as your heart desires!

The Human Brain Project

Published on Apr 16, 2018

The Human Brain Project should lay the technical foundations for a new model of ICT-based brain research, driving integration between data and knowledge from different disciplines, and catalysing a community effort to achieve a new understanding of the brain, new treatments for brain disease and new brain-like computing technologies.