Pipeline inspection robots, Pure Technologies Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Sahara - Pipeline leak detection and video inspection

Published on Jul 11, 2012

The first tool designed for live inspection of large diameter water mains, the Sahara® Pipeline Inspection System is one of the most accurate tools available for leak detection, gas pocket detection, and locating structural defects in complex networks of large diameter water mains.

Pipeline management solutions

Published on Jul 11, 2014

We often give little thought to the vast network of buried water and wastewater infrastructure right below our feet until the signs of deterioration become a problem on the surface, causing disruption in our daily lives.

Water utilities are faced with an ageing infrastructure problem as many pipelines reach the end of their design life. The ideal solution would be to replace all the old pipes.... However this is an expensive response and one that causes huge disruption to the public!

At Pure Technologies, we partner with utilities to help them understand the current condition of their pipes so they can make more informed repair, replacement and rehabilitation decisions.

SmartBall - Water main leak detection and pipeline condition assessment

Published on Jan 28, 2015

SmartBall is an innovative free-swimming inspection technology designed to operate in a live pipeline. It is a free-swimming foam ball with an instrument-filled aluminum alloy core capable of detecting and locating very small leaks, gas pockets and structural defects in pipelines.

There is no apparatus noise, so it can detect very small leaks.

Typical location accuracy within 10 ft. (3 m)

Small size allows it to pass through inline valves, reducers and other appurtenances.

PipeDiver - Pipeline condition assessment platform

Published on Jun 8, 2015

PipeDiver is a platform for freeswimming inspections of large diameter water and wastewater pipelines. Surveys are conducted under live operating conditions, providing condition information with minimal disruptions to service.

The PipeDiver platform can be used for the condition assessment of multiple pipe materials by incorporating the appropriate technology. For PCCP and BWP condition assessment programs, PipeDiver is outfitted with the Electromagnetic (EM) technology. This technology detects broken prestressing wire breaks in PCCP, broken bars in BWP, as well as large holes or perforation in the steel cylinder.

SmartBall Inspection Tool for NRW and Leak Detection

Published on Apr 27, 2017

The SmartBall platform is a free-swimming leak detection and location solution for water and wastewater pipelines. The tool is able to complete long inspections in a single deployment and is backed by a track record that spans thousands of miles.

Learn more about how SmartBall technology is helping municipal utilities reduce water loss (NRW) and detecting pin-hole leaks that can lead to pipeline failure.

SmartBall - Leak detection for oil & gas pipelines 2017

Published on Sep 20, 2017

The SmartBall® inspection tool is an innovative verification of containment technology for oil, gas and petroleum products pipelines.

For pipelines 4 inches (100 millimeters) and larger in diameter, SmartBall offers unparalleled sensitivity and accurate location capability for verification of containment surveys. It is easy to deploy and can be used to complement existing pipeline integrity programs or as an integrity check on non-piggable lines. The device consists of an instrumented aluminum core in a urethane shell and contains a range of instrumentation, including an acoustic data acquisition system that listens for product loss as the ball travels through the pipeline.

SmartBall differs from conventional inspection pigs in that it is not a full-diameter instrument. It rolls silently through the pipeline and the absence of mechanical noise allows unsurpassed acoustic sensitivity. The device can detect small product losses as low as 0.03 gallons per minute (0.11 liters/minute), which is order of magnitude more sensitive than CPM-based systems.

Smart ball different sizes
As pipe diameter increases, the SmartBall tool retains its sensitivity while CPM systems become less accurate. Productloss location accuracy is typically within 2 meters, depending on availability of tracking locations. The device can be deployed and retrieved using existing pigging facilities. In non-piggable lines, the device can be launched using off-the-shelf fittings. Travel time can last up to 20 hours for 4-inch (100 millimeter) lines and over 400 hours for larger lines.

Oil and Gas pipelines can also benefit from SmartBall PWA which identifies stress in the pipe wall based on a changing magnetic signature. PWA identifies areas of possible concern for further investigation as part of a Pipeline Management Integrity Program.

- Routine verification of containment surveys
- Emergency product loss locating, minimizing losses and cleanup costs
- Validation of alarms generated by CPM systems (with accurate locations in the case of product loss)
- Acceptance testing of new pipelines
- Product theft detection