Messenger Platform, bot framework for Messenger, Meta Platforms, Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA

Facebook Messenger bot development

Published on Apr 13, 2016

How to develop a bot for Facebook Messenger Bot platform.

We're a 9 year old bot company developing bots for Fortune 500 companies including Coca Cola, Johnson&Johnson, PwC, Unilever, etc.

Bot Invasion! Prepare for chatbots on Facebook Messenger, too

Published on Apr 8, 2016

Chatbots arrive on more messaging apps, and Facebook is said to reveal bot plans on Tuesday at F8?. Bridget Carey explains what to expect from chatbots and how ?they are coming to Skype, Line and Kik.

Zuckerberg announces Facebook Bots for Messenger

Published on Apr 13, 2016

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a new way to communicate with businesses: through the Messenger app. He gave CNN as an example at the F8 developers conference.

Facebook launches Messenger 2.0 with smarter chatbots

Published on Apr 18, 2017

Facebook announces updates to its messenger platform. New features include a discovery engine, chat extensions, games and enhanced artificial intelligence.