SDU Soft Robotics, SDU Biorobotics, University of Southern Denmark (Syddansk Universitet), Odense, Denmark

RO-MAN 2023 | BioMORF

ul 16, 2023

"BioMORF: A Soft Robotic Skin to Increase Biomorphism and Enable Nonverbal Communication"

M. B. Christiansen, N. Asawalertsak, C. Danh Do, W. Nantareekurn,
A. Rafsanjani, P. Manoonpong, and J. Jørgensen

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a biomorphic soft robotic skin and a CPG-based neural controller for a hexapod robot platform to generate respiratory-like motions. The design enables visio-haptic nonverbal communication between humans and robots and improves the robot's aesthetics by enhancing its biomorphic qualities. We investigate if the soft robotic skin can increase user ratings of the robot's warmth and reported trust levels during interaction. Participants' comments indicate that trust in the robot is influenced by multiple factors, including appearance, movements, haptic qualities, and contextual factors. Based on our results, we propose directions for further research on pneumatically actuated soft robotic skin as means for nonverbal signalling in human-robot interaction.

32nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN 2023)

Kirigami makes a soft magnetic sheet crawl

Aug 29, 2023

Supplementary movies

Duhr, P., Meier, Y. A., Damanpack, A., Carpenter, J., Studart, A. R., Rafsanjani, A., & Demirörs, A. F. (2023). Kirigami Makes a Soft Magnetic Sheet Crawl. Advanced Science, 2301895.

Abstract: Limbless crawling on land requires breaking symmetry of the friction with the ground and exploiting an actuation mechanism to generate propulsive forces. Here, kirigami cuts are introduced into a soft magnetic sheet that allow to achieve effective crawling of untethered soft robots upon application of a rotating magnetic field. Bidirectional locomotion is achieved under clockwise and counterclockwise rotating magnetic fields with distinct locomotion patterns and crawling speed in forward and backward propulsions. The crawling and deformation profiles of the robot are experimentally characterized and combined with detailed multiphysics numerical simulations to extract locomotion mechanisms in both directions. It is shown that by changing the shape of the cuts and orientation of the magnet the robot can be steered, and if combined with translational motion of the magnet, complex crawling paths are programed. The proposed magnetic kirigami robot offers a simple approach to developing untethered soft robots with programmable motion.

Locomotion Challenge | Introduction to Soft Robotics | SDU Soft Robotics

Dec 16, 2023

The compilation showcases final project demos from the master course 'Introduction to Soft Robotics,' offered by SDU Soft Robotics during Autumn 2023 at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense Campus.

This course involves a series of lectures, complemented by interactive lab tutorials, and culminates in a project phase. During this period, students collaborate in groups or work individually under the supervision of lecturers to complete an exam project.

This year's project theme focused on soft locomotion. Each team was tasked with designing a soft robot capable of navigating a path comprising flat and inclined surfaces, obstacles, and rough terrains.

Instructors: Jonas Jørgensen & Saravana Prashanth Murali Babu
Teaching Assistants: Arman Goshtasbi, Aida Parvaresh, Mads Christiansen, & Jonathan Tirado
Technical Support: Cao Danh Do

A textile origami snake robot for rectilinear locomotion | Device (2024)

Jan 18, 2024

A textile origami snake robot for rectilinear locomotion
Burcu Seyidoğlu, Ahmad Rafsanjani
Device 2, 100226 (2024)

Abstract: Snakes have long captivated robotics researchers due to their effective locomotion, flexible body structure, and ability to adapt their skin friction to different terrains. While extensive research has delved into serpentine locomotion, there remains a gap in exploring rectilinear locomotion as a robotic solution for navigating through narrow spaces. In this study, we describe the fundamental principles of rectilinear locomotion and apply them to design a soft crawling robot using origami modules constructed from laminated fabrics. The modules incorporate pneumatic actuation and anisotropic friction modulation, drawing inspiration from both origami principles and insights gained from the locomotion of snakes. We performed a comprehensive process of design, fabrication, characterization, and analysis of the robot, and tested its performance across a variety of terrains with an emphasis on its potential applications in search and rescue and field inspection.

Earthworm-inspired soft skin crawling robot | Advanced Science (2024)

Apr 17, 2024

Tirado J., Do C.D., Moisson de Vaux J., Jørgensen J., Rafsanjani A. (2024). Earthworm-Inspired Soft Skin Crawling Robot, Advanced Science, 2400012.

Abstract: Earthworms are fascinating animals capable of crawling and burrowing through various terrains using peristaltic motion and the directional friction response of their epidermis. Anisotropic anchoring governed by tiny appendages on their skin called setae is known to enhance the earthworm's locomotion. A multi-material fabrication technique is employed to produce soft skins with bristles inspired by the earthworm epidermis and their setae. The effect of bristles arranged in triangular and square grids at two spatial densities on the locomotion capability of a simple soft crawling robot comprised of an extending soft actuator covered by the soft skin is investigated experimentally. The results suggest that the presence of bristles results in a rostral to caudal friction ratio of µR/µC larger than 1 with some variations across bristle arrangements and applied elongations. Doubling the number of bristles increases the robot's speed by a factor of 1.78 for the triangular grid while it is less pronounced for the rectangular grid with a small factor of 1.06. Additionally, it is observed that increasing the actuation stroke for the skin with the high-density triangular grid, from 15% to 30%, elevates the speed from 0.5 to 0.9 mm/s, but further increases in stroke to 45% may compromise the durability of the actuators with less gains in speed (1 mm/s). Finally, it is demonstrated that a crawling robot equipped with soft skin can traverse both a linear and a curved channel.