Autosub3, Autosub6000, Autosub LR, autonomous underwater vehicles, National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Southampton, United Kingdom

Autosub lifts out of the water

Uploaded on Mar 18, 2009

Footage of Autosub, the National Oceanography Centre's robot sub, being recovered from a successful mission surveying the underside of the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf in the Amundsen Sea.

Meet AH-1 - Our newest autonomous underwater vehicle!

Feb 27, 2023

NOC Engineers Terry Wood and Shivan Ramdhanie give us the lowdown on our newest AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle), Auto-Hover 1.

Auto-Hover 1 is NOC's first hover-capable Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). It contains a total of 6 thrusters (3 vertical, 2 forward, 1 lateral) and is capable of being still as well as moving vertically in the water. The vehicle's specialty will be surveying areas of the ocean vertically but it will also be capable of capturing imagery through the use of visual odometry systems.