Blighter AUDS Anti-UAV Defence System, Blighter Surveillance Systems, Essex, United Kingdom

AUDS Anti-UAV Defence System Video

Published on May 19, 2015

AUDS (Anti-UAV Defence System) is designed to disrupt and neutralise Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) engaged in hostile airborne surveillance and potentially malicious activity. The AUDS system combines electronic-scanning radar target detection, electro-optical (EO) tracking/classification and directional RF inhibition capability.

The AUDS Team brings together three leading British companies, each with the unique capabilities required to create an effective counter UAV system. Blighter's A400 series air security radars are able to DETECT small UAVs in all weather conditions, 24 hours a day. The Chess Dynamics Hawkeye EO/IR camera system, with state-of-the-art video tracking technology, is able to TRACK the UAV and, combined with radar target information, classify the target. The operator is then able to make a timely and informed decision to use the Enterprise Control Systems ('ECS'), smart RF inhibitor to selectively interfere with the C2 channels on the UAV allowing the system to DISRUPT the UAV's mission.

AUDS - Anti-UAV Defence System (August 2016)

Published on Aug 8, 2016

AUDS (Anti-UAV Defence System) is designed to disrupt and neutralise Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) engaged in hostile airborne surveillance and potentially malicious activity. The AUDS system combines electronic-scanning radar target detection, electro-optical (EO) tracking/classification and directional RF inhibition capability.

The AUDS Team brings together three leading British companies, each with the unique capabilities required to create an effective counter UAV system. Blighter's A400 series air security radars are able to DETECT small UAVs in all weather conditions, 24 hours a day. The Chess Dynamics Hawkeye EO/IR camera system, with state-of-the-art video tracking technology, is able to TRACK the UAV and, combined with radar target information, classify the target. The operator is then able to make a timely and informed decision to use the Enterprise Control Systems ('ECS'), smart RF inhibitor to selectively interfere with the C2 channels on the UAV allowing the system to DISRUPT the UAV's mission.