Sepios, bio-inspired nautical robot, Autonomous Systems Lab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland

Undulating fins as a mechanism of propulsion by cuttlefish. Citation of for educational purposes only.

Sepios - Evolution as Inspiration

Published on Dec 4, 2013

Undulating fins as a mechanism of propulsion by flatworm and cuttlefish.

Citation of "Fat Fish Movies" for educational purposes only.

Sepios - Diving for the first Time

Published on Apr 29, 2014

We're a student robotics project from ETH developing a unique kind of underwater robot. Sepios in its final form will feature four fins (contrary to the two used in this test) inspired by cuttlefish. They perform undulating motions which allow our robot to move in any direction any time. This attribute makes it perfect for marine filming.

Sepios - Undulating fin robot diving in the sea of France

Published on Jul 10, 2014

Our Sepios with undulating fin propulsion is the first nautical robot from ETH Z?rich which dived in the sea successfully. Amazing how it is able to dive between seagrass under stormy water conditions!

Robot cuttlefish ready for underwater action

Published on Feb 18, 2015

Sepios, a four-finned, omnidirectional robot built by students at ETH Zurich, could inspire a new generation of eco-friendly, aquatic androids.

Based loosely on an ocean cuttlefish, its four fins each contain nine rays, all with a 270-degree range of motion.
The device has also been fitted with several controls for distance and altitude and an underwater video camera.

Co-designer Alessandro Schappi explains how the device works underwater.