ClearWalker, polycarbonate strandbeest, Palm Harbor, Florida, USA

ClearWalker Strandbeest Assembly (Pt 1)

Published on Mar 10, 2017

In this video I assemble my latest strandbeeest made out of clear polycarbonate to the point where it can move its legs while suspended and stand on its own.

8:30 - Leg Trials

Future plans include a head and tail assembly, and walking via remote control.

ClearWalker Strandbeest Assembly (Pt 2) - Now Walking Unsupported!

Published on May 1, 2017

Trials of getting my 8-legged "ClearWalker" clear polycarbonate Strandbeest walking.

Though I'm pleased with the results, I can't wait to see how this build progresses. Plans include: a moveable heat and tail, lights, full smartphone-based remote control, and possibly a camera. Subscribe or check back to see what comes next!

0:14 - Summary of part 1
0:29 - Attempt #1 start
2:21 - Lathe work with elastomer coupling
3:17 - Trial #1 = Failure - legs buckling
3:25 - Attempt #2 start - reinforcement with spacers
3:45 - Trial #2 = Failure - some improvement
3:57 - Attempt #3 start - weight reduction, tightened axes
4:20 - Trial # 3 = Failure - friction too high
4:28 - Attempt #4 start - carbon fiber added, more bearings
5:13 - Legs look nice walking on stand
5:21 - Trial #4 = Failure - legs still buckling
5:31 - Attempt #5 start - lateral poylcarbonate reinforcement
5:58 - Trial #5 - improved, but still bending
6:19 - Attempt #6 start - more reinforcement
6:39 - Trial #6 - SUCCESS!
7:01 - Upcoming features - smartphone control etc.

Arduino Mega w/ HC-06 Bluetooth module w/ Moto G phone used at the end for wireless control.

The ClearWalker comes to life (Pt 3)

Published on May 30, 2017

The ClearWalker Strandbeest-style walking machine finished, putting together the electronics, and strutting around on the Beach!