IkeaBot, automated multi-robot furniture assembly, Distributed Robotics Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

IkeaBot: Robot Furniture Assembly System

Published on Apr 10, 2013

The IkeaBot system provides end-to-end capabilities in furniture assembly.
This video shows autonomous assembly of the IKEA Lack table. First, it infers how parts fit together based on hole positions. Then it plans a sequence of assembly steps for multiple KUKA youBot robots. The robots distribute tasks based on delivery and assembly roles. Assembly robots are equipped with a system of modular tools that fit onto the youBot's gripper like a glove. The screwing device seen here can be docked when it is not in use. After the assembly is complete, the robots coordinate motions to flip over the table.

IkeaBot: An Autonomous Multi-Robot Coordinated Furniture Assembly System

Published on May 7, 2013

Presented at ICRA 2013 by Ross A. Knepper, Todd Layton, John Romanishin, and Daniela Rus from the Computer Science and Arti?cial Intelligence Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology