

B.U.D.D. (DC)
June 15, 2015

"A robot named B.U.D.D. helps protect the Budweiser storage facility against robbers."
Brand: Anheuser Busch
Product: Bud Light
Director: Michael B Chait
Production Co: Kiss & Kill
Year: 2015
Audio post: Nicole Pettigrew @ PLUSHnyc
Editor: Adrianna Merlucci @ Jump

Toshiba Robot Advertising
March 16, 2013

This is a compilation of some of the work I helped create for a Toshiba campaign for the international broadcast market, produced by DaCosta, between 2008 and 2009.
The sequences were used as full commercial adverts and program sponsor ads in a number of European and Asian countries.
The character was based on the old robot from the "Hello Tosh, gotta Toshiba?!" ads from the 80's.

New 2014 Kia Forte Robot Commercial

Published on Jul 3, 2013

KIA Forte 2013 Super Bowl Ad Hotbot Female Robot

Published on Aug 20, 2015

The Metalian Stallion
July 7, 2015

Agency – Dirk & Philip
Director – Polynoid
Production Company & Animation Studio – Woodblock
Producer – Selina Schmitt
Artists – Jan Bitzer, Ilija Brunck, Csaba Letay, Tom Weber, Marco Kowalik, Michael Heberlein, Paul Schicketanz, Sarah Eim, Thorsten L?ffler, Sermed Darah, Ivan Vasiljevic, Dragan Miokovic, Vlada Jurisic, Carlos Vicetto

The CE-e Robot Song: Our toys are good to go!

Published on Aug 2, 2012

The little CE-e Robot strikes again dancing and singing about his favourite safe toys. Sing along the safety tips and don't let accidents spoil your fun this summer!