The SciRoc Challenges (Smart CIties RObotics Challenges), European Union’s Horizon 2020, Europe

ERL Smart Cities Robotics Challenge (SciRoc Challenge)

Published on Aug 7, 2018

Smart cities are an innovative urban paradigm aiming at improving the city’s services and the citizens’ quality of life using a variety of technological infrastructures. The European Robotics League (ERL) presents a novel biennial competition, the ERL Smart Cities Robotics Challenge (SciRoc Challenge) that aims at showing how robots will integrate in the cities of the future as physical agents living in them.

Robots will cooperate with the smart city infrastructure and interact with its citizens, accomplishing tasks of different nature in different scenarios, e.g. assisting customers, providing professional services and supporting during emergency situations. SciRoc Challenge will therefore put together and leverage several ERL functionalities developed within ERL Consumer, ERL Professional and ERL Emergency Service Robots competitions.

The first ERL Smart Cities Robotics Challenge will take place in Milton Keynes, UK, from 16th to 22nd September 2019.