EC-SAFEMOBIL project, FP7, Europe

EC-SAFEMOBIL scenario 2 experiments

Published on Jul 29, 2015

Experiments regarding the Scenario 2 of the EC-SAFEMOBIL project. This demonstration was performed in June 2015 at the ATLAS Centre.

EC-SAFEMOBIL: Final experiments of the 5 scenarios

Published on Mar 7, 2016

This video covers the final demonstrations and experiments performed by the 5 different scenarios the project has been focused on:
Scenario 1: Rotary?wing UAV Landing on a mobile platform with RBS.
Scenario 2: Rotary?wing landing on a mobile platform using tether.
Scenario 3: Landing of a fixed?wing UAV on a ground vehicle.
Scenario 4: Autonomous Distributed Warehousing.
Scenario 5: Tracking and surveillance.

Landing on a moving car

Published on May 11, 2016

An unmanned, electric, autonomous aircraft travelling at 75 kilometres per hour lands gently on the roof of a moving car. For the first time, researchers at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum f?r Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) have successfully demonstrated a technique developed for this purpose. The system could be applied to ultralight solar-powered aircraft that complement conventional satellite systems while flying in the stratosphere. Eliminating the landing gear significantly increases the payload capability of a solar-powered aircraft – it is easier to land during crosswind conditions, making landings in unfavourable weather conditions possible.