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Neural prosthetics: Krishna Shenoy at TEDxStanford

Published on Jun 20, 2013

Krishna Shenoy helps to restore lost function for disabled patients by designing prosthetic devices that can translate neural brain activity.

Krishna Shenoy directs the Neural Prosthetic Systems Lab, where his group conducts neuroscience and neuro-engineering research to better understand how the brain controls movement and to design medical systems to assist those with movement disabilities. Shenoy also co-directs the Neural Prosthetics Translational Lab, which uses these advances to help people with severe motor disabilities. Shenoy received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from UC-Irvine and his master's and doctoral degrees in the same field from MIT. He was a neurobiology postdoctoral fellow at Caltech in Pasadena and then joined Stanford University, where he is a professor of electrical engineering, bioengineering and neurobiology.

A brain implant could help quadriplegics move simply by thinking

Published on Apr 13, 2016

Six years ago, Ian Burkhart broke his neck and became paralyzed. But thanks to a brain implant, Burkhart can now move his fingers — and even play video games. This is the first instance of a person living with paralysis regaining the ability to move by recording signals in the brain.