Microchip-based implant, Microchips Biotech, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts

Would you use remote-controlled birth control?

Published on Jul 15, 2014

MicroCHIPS has developed an implantable contraceptive chip that can be activated or deactivated by a control outside the body. The chip releases a controlled amount of progestins regularly, and with it, patients could have 16 years of birth control and be able to conceive without an outpatient procedure. But is this too ideal of an idea to work in practicality? Kim Horcher, Tim Frisch, and Matthew Mercer discuss!

Read more: "A Contraceptive Implant with Remote Control"
A startup has developed a contraceptive chip that could be deactivated and reactivated using a wireless remote.

by Gwen Kinkead
July 4, 2014