Theaitre, theatrical play, Prague, Czech Republic

"THEaiTRE: Artificial Intelligence to Write a Theatre Play"
We present THEaiTRE, a starting project aimed at automatic generation of theatre play scripts. This paper reviews related work and drafts an approach we intend to follow. We plan to adopt generative neural language models and hierarchical generation approaches, supported by summarization and machine translation methods, and complemented with a human-in-the-loop approach.

by Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek, Tom Kocmi, David Mareček, Tomáš Musil, Patrícia Schmidtová, Dominik Jurko, Ondřej Bojar, Daniel Hrbek, David Košťák, Martina Kinská, Josef Doležal, Klára Vosecká
June 25, 2020

Article "THEaiTRE: A theatre play written entirely by machines"

by Ingrid Fadelli
August 1, 2020

TheAItre - Can a robot write a theatre play?

Feb 1, 2021

We are excited to announce our collaboration on the theAItre project presenting a unique production under the title ''AI: When a robot writes a play''. The script, composed of dialogues generated by artificial intelligence, tells a story of joy and sorrow of everyday life from a robot’s point of view.

Online, 26 FEBRUARY 2021, 6 pm

Can a robot write a great theatre piece?

AI: when a robot writes a play • on-line premiere

Feb 27, 2021

The story of the robot, which after the death of its master was left at the mercy of various individuals of human society, balances on a thin line between absurd black comedy with existential drama.

An "autobiographical" play written by artificial intelligence that talks about the search for closeness of someone in a world where people have not known or are not able to make simple contact with each other for some time, and in which the path of one person to another is the hardest to cover.

Every reprise will be followed by a debate with experts in artificial intelligence and theater makers. The show is not only a testament to the current capabilities of computer technology, but also an engaging vision of the future world inspired by the sci-fi classics.

On the occasion of the centenary of Karel Čapek's play R.U.R, the Švanda Theatre prepared a presentation of a unique project THEAITRE that examines whether artificial intelligence can write a play. Within a few months, the computer generated images from the life of a robot that has to face the joys and sorrows of everyday life. And it revealed to us how it perceives basic human issues such as birth, dying, the desire for love, the search for jobs, or aging.

The project takes place in cooperation with the Švanda Theatre, MFF UK and DAMU.

PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek, Tom Kocmi, David Mareček, Tomáš Musil, Patrícia Schmidtová, Dominik Jurko, Ondřej Bojar (MFF UK), Klára Vosecká a Josef Doležal (DAMU), Máša Nováková (Tygr v tísni), Tomáš Studeník a Petr Žabka (CEE Hacks)

The premiere of the "robot-written play" will take place without the presence of the audience, but it will not lose its theatrical character. The partner of the foreign presentation is the Czech Centers. A foreign network of centers will be involved in sharing the event through social networks (Athens, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Bratislava, London, Kyjev, Milano, München, Moskow, Paris, Rotterdam, New York, Tel Aviv, Jeruzalem, Wienna, Sweden and ústředí (Prague)). The world public can watch an unusual theatrical event together with the domestic audience.

CAST: Jacob Erftemeijer, Denisa Barešová, Andrea Buršová, Petr Buchta, Oskar Hes/Marek Frňka, Tomáš Petřík

DIRECTOR: Daniel Hrbek
PROJECT AUTHOR: Tomáš Studeník
STAGE DESIGN: Martin Šimek
COSTUMES: Paulína Bočková
DRAMATURGY: Martina Kinská, David Košťák
STAGE MANAGER: Blanka Popková
PRODUCTION: Tereza Marková