Cicret Bracelet, CN2P, Paris, France

The Cicret Bracelet: Like a tablet...but on your skin

Published on Oct 30, 2014

With the Cicret Bracelet, you can make your skin your new touchscreen. Read your mails, play your favorite games, answer your calls, check the weather, find your way…Do whatever you want on your arm.

Cicret Bracelet first working prototype

Published on Feb 3, 2015

Here is a video shot by the Cicret Team showing the uses of the first working prototype of the Cicret Bracelet.

It shows that the Cicret Team is the first one and only one in the world who succeeded to combine 4 technologies which create this groundbreaking wearable device:
- project with a low-angle
- make it work on any skin color
- controllable with the finger
- and make it work even in bright daylight

- Develop the preproduced version of the Cicret Bracelet within six months with the help of a French design office.
- Need donations of 850 000 euros for that (covers the development and also the legal validations).

- Produce it on mass market
- Make it available worldwide for the end of 2015/beginning of 2016 for a sell price between 200 and 400 USD each.

Share this video and follow the Cicret Bracelet’s adventure on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter for more updates.

And don’t forget : future is now. It’s only the beginning.

Cicret Bracelet at the Wearable Technologies Conference 2016

Published on Feb 13, 2016

In January 2016, we attended the Wearable Technologies Conference 2016 in Munich as guests to discuss about the wearable industry and its future. Let's have a look at our presentation.